So today I moved from a Pi3 to an i3 NUC, and it’s all a lot snappier and faster. Had started playing with home assistant on the Pi3 and it was clearly going to be too slow, so before I got a full scale setup going I migrated.
(aside: was going to go Odroid, and/or HA Blue for the change, but all out of stock across EU and wider (actually, a few available, but at 3-4x retail), so picked up a used i3 NUC on eBay for the same price - which is probably a better choice, longer term, for me).
All has gone well, with the help of the Proxmox and home assistant guide on here, except for one thing that I’m puzzled by. Core and Supervisor report 6.1% and 1.6% RAM utilisation respectively - but in Proxmox the home assistant VM is showing as 3.61GB out of the 4GB I gave it (and the bar is coloured orange, so that must be worrying, right?!!). I initially started it at 2GB but Proxmox showed it hitting that right fro the get-go, so raised it to 4GB.
What am I not understanding? At the moment no other VMs in Proxmox, and integration sin HA are Node Red, Ubiquiti, Lifx and a couple of weather APIs. Is this normal behaviour?
All guidance welcomed.