PS5 integration - request

The past weekend i migrated all the different eco systems i had to Home Assistant. Connected all the zigbee stuff to a zigbee USB stick on a raspberry pi with Home Assistant installed. For the most part it works great. There is just 1 thing really missing imho and that’s a PS5 integration. I found this

But it says in the addon that it’s no longer maintained. Had a lot more luck with the edge version. But i am a bit wary about how long it will keep working.
The issue is that switching ON the PS5 is registered fine. However when i switch it off it reports in the logbook as “unavailable” which isn’t a state i can attach to a device trigger. If the device trigger is “Powered off” the automation doesn’t work.

Maybe this can be resolved with a MQTT trigger? I have no idea how to get this working. Is this addon still being used by anyone and if so what is your solution for the “unavailable” state?

How is this a feature request? Please post on the author’s github.


The feauture request is for a working supported official integration for the PS5 like there is for the PS4. Not to get support on the no longer maintained addon that may or may not work in 1-2 months. I was just pointing out that that is the only alternative for a official integration i could find and i don’t really see it as a proper alternative.

5 days ago the developer said this:

So, the addon is being maintained. It just hasn’t had an update since 2022, maybe even because it did not need one.

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So this doesn’t mean it’s not maintained?

It’s an automatic badge that appears to be broken, as if you look at the file history above you will see a change was made last month.

OK thanks for clarifying that. There’s still the request for a official integration for the PS5 like the one for PS4.
But i am sure that has requested before and there must be reasons this is not happening.

Somebody with coding skills and a PS5 and the inclination to do it needs to be involved.