PS5 integration

I’d like an integration for Playstation 5 kthx.

Porting of the ps4 integration shouldn’t be too hard as porting my little python script wasn’t: ha-config/ at 800cc94a214aa4d654cfa6e72253d4a3bb38ba73 · wicol/ha-config · GitHub

Just providing a state sensor is fairly easy (MVP?), the auth for waking it up is trickier as explained here: GitHub - iharosi/ps5-wake: PlayStation 5 Discovery and Wake-up Utility

FYI, this might not be possible the same way it was before because the ps5 doesn’t support the 2nd screen app the way the ps4 did, which is what HA used to leverage to get all the nice stuff like what games are installed, what is being played, etc.

That would be awesome.

Seems like everything is given and works standalone but somebody would need to integrate it to home assistant. Unfortunatly I‘m not a programmer just a system engineer. But I will have a look.

This project got wake/standby working with auth


Too bad nothing yet for supervised (for HA OS users like myself).

Agreed. I am waiting for a HA OS solution too. I really only need to turn it off (standby) as part of the “I’m not in or I’ve gone to bed” routine :slight_smile:


it would be theoretically possible to power it on through sony bravia integration. I have the sony bravia, and it can control the ps5 via remote once switched to the “TV” input. i’m gonna try playing around with it

Any news here?

Hey guys, I created an add-on to integrate your PS5 with Home assistant using MQTT. You can find and install it through this repository!


Hello, I’m trying to use your add on I have got to the step where I have to log in to my psn account by playactor login. I log in to my account and I have the URL from the page where it says “redirect” but the command ends and I won’t be able to create the credentials.json file. please help asap.


Hi Yusuf,

I’m sorry to hear that. I would suggest taking a look at any issues reported with the playactor library on github.

A few pointers:

  • Make sure your Playstation 5 is on
  • Make sure that the computer you are running the playactor login command on is on the same network as your Playstation 5.
  • You can get additional information from the command by using playactor login --debug to get some information on what might be going wrong.


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I think I have the same issue as this person

Also, I tried using playactor login --no-open-URLs instead of just playactor login and I was able to enter the URL but I got this error code “HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request)”

This error was very similar to this person as well

Both of these issues are still open.

Please reply, Thanks.

Hi Yusuf,

Since I did not create the playactor library I cannot provide support for it.

My only remaining advice would be to follow the login steps described by @Mattias_Persson:

If that doesn’t resolve the issue for you I suggest either opening an issue with playactor. Or reacting to one of the open issues.


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I got to another step :sweat_smile: error 403, I’m following #21 Thanks.

Alright, I have it working to a point. I have seen that the broken credentials only can wake the ps5 but this is okay for now since I just want to test it. I have the integration running in home assistant and I have pasted the credential file into where it says “ps5_credentials” I have also pasted the IP of my ps5 under “host” and also the port underneath “port”, which I found by using “playactor browse” What should I do now, I want to test the ps5 mqtt add on.

I can confirm that using playactor I CAN wake AND sleep the ps5 now how do I wake the ps5 with home assistant using ps5 mqtt.

Please Reply


You need to setup MQTT in home assistant if you haven’t done so already. :slight_smile:

The MQTT section of the configuration refers to MQTT settings and not to Playstation settings.
I understand the confusion if you’re not familiar with MQTT. :wink:

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ahh, thanks

@FunkeyFlo Thanks for helping me all the way, this add-on works great and if you know what you are doing (unlike me), it’s pretty easy to set up. This will be great for my automations and I won’t have to stick some type of switchbot to my PlayStation and make it look ugly. Thanks!

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Thanks! Glad I could at least point you in the right direction!

Also, I just released version 0.4.2 which fixes the issue that once using the power toggle the integration would no longer receive updates from the device!

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Is this right? Seems to be using a hell of a lot of compute cycles
