PSA about IKEA Tradfri

For those of you looking to get into the IKEA Tradfri Kit…If you buy them separately, it comes out a couple dollars cheaper.

I bought three bulbs without the gateway because I wasn’t thinking and went to return them to get the kit.

The kit has everything the individual components have and there is no difference in any of the components individually or in the kit. It’s just cheaper to get them separately.

Happy Automating :slight_smile:


Thanks! I was just going to grab a kit but its $13 bucks cheaper to buy the parts separately. Its that way on their site also, not sure why, generally starter kits are cheaper.

Ho did you get it $13 cheaper? I could see that if you got the $11.99 bulbs but the one in the kit has the 17.99 Tradfri.

Ahh, I thought it was the cheaper bulbs. So comes to 78.96 separate or 79.99 in the kit. So only $1.03.

That’s interesting. Over here in Germany it’s actually €75 instead of €84,96. so it’s cheaper over here…

After getting everything and paying my state sales tax it was $1.10 cheaper