PSA: Alexa Media Player v4.13.3 breaks all versions of Home Assistant

Thank you. For some reason these steps weren’t working last night and I was getting a 500 error, but today it worked!

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That’s most likely an issue with old cookies/tokens which time resolved.
If you get a “500” error, clear your browser’s cookies/cached files, login to Amazon to establish new cookies/cached files & then try re-adding the integration.

In which amazon area are you located and how and what is working for you. In 2024.10, 2024.9 or 2024.8 or are you still on earlier HA versions as Í have to always revert to. For me no single installation and login is wworking at all in the mentioned releases, regardless of AMP version.

4.13.3 working fine for me too…running HA 2024.10.1 and using region (from Ireland :ireland:).

Touch wood haven’t had to re-authenticate in ages :crossed_fingers:t2:

I use fully up to date Home Assistant.
I live in Europe, in Denmark but I always used the US Amazon as Alexa is not available in Danish anyway and there are always more features available in the US versions of anything online.

FYI, the AMP integration is now borked. The person who was managing the integration has now abandoned it (apparently). If your integration/installations are still working it is strongly suggested in other channels you DO NOT upgrade either HA or AMP for the forseeable future.
Also apparently, NabuCasa are in no rush to rectify the situation as AMP is a HACs issue (which they have in the past been very forthright in saying they do not and will not support).
There are other channels where fellow HA users with programming knowledge are doing their best to team up to take over the integration. If you feel you might be of assistance, I urge you to seek them out and see if you can help.
For me and personally, the easy use of AMP for TTS purposes is the reason I use and pay the NC subscription. If it’s going to stay borked then I need to rethink things.

This is simply not true.

Myself and a few other are currently working on a complete rewrite of the integration with a new upstream library with the help of a core developer. Our intentions are to add this new integration into core. The plan is to start with the bare minimum for the integration and upgrade it as time goes on. Our target is TTS first, which will likely provide the media players as well as a TTS service.


and alongside what Petro says above (which is good news)…AMP 4.14.4 is working fine for lots of users on HA 2024.10.x.

There was a specific issue with AMP 4.14.3 which impacted any user who upgraded it (irrespective of HA version I think) and in the greater scheme of things was rectified fairly quickly via AMP and things have gone back as they were…for anyone who wants more in-depth detail read this full thread as well as the linked issues on AMP GitHub

Again as Petro says in the thread there are other issues with the AMP Integration but it’s not as Armageddon as it sounds…it’s working for many :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it. Hope that until it’s ready, the AMP integration does not self-destruct.
FYI, I’m using the TTS only.

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That would be wonderful as this integration is so useful for me for alerts etc, fitting in with the rest of my HA sensors.

@petro I see version V4.13.4 has been released. I see no other warnings about this version (4.13.4), so perhaps safe to install? Your guidance is appreciated.

I’m not going to install it because I don’t trust the changes that were applied in 4.13.3 and subsequently fixed in 4.13.4. At this point, I’m going to lock Alexa Media Player at 4.13.2 on my own system, if it breaks in the future, I’ll be removing it completely until the reworked integration is released.


is there a repository or alpha/beta to test the new Integration yet or is it very early in development…asking from a “helping” rather than ETA perspective

the upstream lib is not complete, if you want to help test the upstream lib, it’s here. Once the upstream lib is “complete”, we will start developing the integration


I like that response/approach - very solid. Thanks ! :smiley:

the easiest solution: switch to google mini/hub. amazon alexa is too restrictive (local mp3, etc)

When you have a device in every room of the house, it’s not an investment that everyone can afford.


Then I both apologise and thank you for the updated information.

My statement, though, was accurate at the time of writing as it was directly based on what Frenck had stated elsewhere in the forums… that AMP is a HACS installation and, if folks were having issues with it, they needed to direct their requests for assistance with the relevant original dev. That any such custom installions via HACS is not the responsibility of NC.

Amen to that. I have, however, got myself one Google speaker to try out. It’ll need to blow my socks off if it wants to replace the Echos I have.

If I have to replace all of my Echo devices, I won’t be able to afford socks.