PSA: Alexa Media Player v4.13.3 breaks all versions of Home Assistant

Power it off, plug a keyboard and monitor into the system. Turn it on, when the screen boots up, type

ha core restart --safe-mode

Once you’re into safe mode, disable the integration. And you can restart in non safe mode to downgrade it


Thank you for this response. I’ve gone just this, and I see hope. Hope on a Saturday!

So, just to get this clearly out there.

If you STAY on AMP 4.13.2 you should NOT upgrade to HA 2024.10.1. Is this correct? Otherwise AMP won’t work?

Until a new stable version of AMP is released, then HA should NOT go above 2024.10.0, correct?

No…AMP 4.13.2 works fine with HA 2024.10.1…the block was pulled, see PSA: Alexa Media Player v4.13.3 breaks all versions of Home Assistant - #36 by Gav_in for the details

How to downgrade? Can you explain for dummies like me?

I experience unstability HA boots new every now and then. Maybe coz i made the last alexa media player Update :frowning:

How have you installed AMP?
Version 4.13.3 is no longer available so if for example you are using HACS to install this, then just redownload the custom component and you’ll be back to 4.13.2…if you search this thread there are a few mentions of how to install…

  1. Restart HA.
  2. After restart, go to HACS.
  3. Click 3 dots on “Alexa Media Player” repository, right side.
  4. Select “Redownload” from drop down list.
  5. Select previous version from drop down list like on the image.
    Thanks to CancunManny for image, using his image.
  6. Restart HA.

AMP 4.13.4 is available now and according to release notes fixes the resource issues of 4.13.3 :crossed_fingers:t2:

Can anybody confirm stability for 4.13.4?

I’m wondering if anyone here in this thread is able to use AMP in HA 2024.10.x in region at all?

Für me it stopped working HA releases far in the future (where I’m still sitting because of this problem). Regardless of AMP version.

  • Hot Backup :white_check_mark:
  • Shutdown cold backup :white_check_mark:
  • Cold and Hot backups of the Hypervisor :white_check_mark:
  • Backup of the backup server :white_check_mark:
  • Fresh underwear on standby :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

Will also wait for confirmation before clicking…


according to the main GitHub issue this was reported on/worked on there are numerous people who have been successful with the fix in 4.13.4 so should be ok for all (but obv that’s not a guarantee)

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Working fine here.


4.13.4 working fine for me also

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4.13.4 loaded ok for me too


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Alexa has censored certain curse words here for a long time… if that didn’t use to be the case for you, it’s more likely related to an update by Amazon, not AMP.

4.13.4 has loaded fine with no issues for me. I am updated on Hass also. So I’m good!

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never actually knew what I was missing out on…:man_shrugging:t2:
Petro has a workaround in this thread if anyone does feel the need to have Alexa swear at you :grin:

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I keep running into the auth issue where it redirects to the different screen. Anyone have ideas as to why? I’ve tried multiple different versions. It just asks me for my creds over and over again.

try this…seems to be working for others with auth issues