PSA: Check your supervisor logs

There have been a number of updates to addons recently that may be generating warnings like this in your Supervisor / System / Supervisor Logs:

21-02-08 14:50:14 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Unknown options host
21-02-08 14:50:14 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Unknown options grant
21-02-08 14:50:54 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Unknown options web

Unfortunately the warnings do not say which addon is incorrectly configured. So to rectify this check the Configuration Tab of each of your addons looking for the unknown options (host, grant, and web in my case). When you find one, read the documentation for the addon and adjust your configuration accordingly.

Addons I had to adjust the configuration for:

SSH & Web Terminal.

These outdated options wont stop your addons from working but you should clean them up to reduce clutter to make it easy to see actual issues in your supervisor log.


I’m seeing detailed warnings (i.e. mentioning which Add-On has deprecated configuration keys) not only for the Add-Ons I’m using but also for the ones I’m not using. :thinking:

About uart auto something?

That’s a different warning. And requires the addon developer to fix. See this bunfight:

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