PSA: Unifi Protect 3.x Backward Compatibility Issue with versions below 2024.3.2

Still waiting for approval …

Thank you! This worked for me.

My Protect updated automatically, don’t judge me. After restarting Home Assistant I no longer have the huge list of unavailable entities.

There was an issue with the build process that need to be sorted out by developers who were sleeping. Relax, the version will come.

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It is not your fault. The docs even say that official versions should not break. I had the fix in on Saturday, but it was decided to wait this long before making a new release. It was a failure in the how core decides to make releases that cause this. UniFi Protect’s over 11 thousand users are not important enough to get the attention of the people who have the ability to push releases and there is no process to call out fixes that will lead to instances breaking if not pushed out.


And we’re off !


Just installed 2024.3.2.
My unifi protect setup is back up and running.
@AngellusMortis thanks for the quick fix and all other efforts !


That new release sorted it all for me as well :blush: well done everyone. :+1: Thanks for your hard and quick work.

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Are there known issues that come from those setups that had autoupdate enabled for UniFi Protect, so UniFi Protected updated before Home Assistant?

I’m not sure if this is related to this, but I noticed an interesting difference between the two HA setups I have at two different locations. One of them I have manual Unifi Protect updates and the other I had set to auto (changed after this situation). Here’s what I’m seeing:

Left = Manual Update UniFi Protect _________________________Right = Auto Update UniFi Protect

  • Notice the Smart Sensors on the right are Unavailable
  • In Configuration, the ones on the right lack the ability to adjust those
  • The Smart sensors are set up under Diagnostic

Is this what happens for those that upgraded UniFi Protect before the 2024.3.2 HA update was available?

I’ve reloaded the integration, rebooted the system, etc., but it appears to persist. Both systems are running identical versions of of UniFi Protect, UniFi OS, and HAOS, however on the left one has HA on a NUC and the right one is on a Pi.

Let me know if I should start this as a new thread if unrelated to this upgrade situation.

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You are using different users on the left and right one with different permissions. Either that, or you have reloaded the right after changing the permissions on the user you are using. Reloading the left one should make it look like the right one.

If you use a user that only has view access to devices, you are not going to switches that let you adjust them. Also, sensors that are unavailable (but still provided by the integration) are expected. For example, if you turn of person detection for your camera, the Person event binary senor will become unavailable because the camera is not currently capable of detecting people because it is turned off.

Still no animal detections. :frowning_face:

Docker images? :pray:

Kudos to getting this fixed. I did have to remove and add back the integration to get it working. Ended up having to manually enable some sensors. Is there a way when adding an integration that all sensors are enabled or I am the mercy of the people writing the integration for HA.

With 2024.3.3 installed, I still have an issue connecting to the G4 Doorbell Pro. After entering the connection info and credentials it will only respond with “Verbindung fehlgeschlagen” (Connection failed) Error. The Logs does not output anything helpful.
The unifi protect device (g4 doorbell) was installed/running successfully and removed before the fix 2024.3.2 was published. What am I missing here? Is there a way to get more detailed logs?

Thanks in advance!

Connected to what? Your NVR? Or to HA? If you can’t adopt it by your ubiquiti controller itself, it’s 99% of the time because your doorbell transformer is under sized. Also thats not a HA issue.

Or is the doorbell your only camera, and you can’ get the HA integration to work at all?

Sorry to be not clear at this point. I was talking about the HA Integration not the UDM/UDR console. I will try to make my scenario as clear as possible:

  1. HA 2024.3.0 and Unifi Protect with v2.x (G4 Doorbell) was working.
  2. Unifi Protect updated itself to 3.x - HA Integration stopped working.
  3. Updated HA to 2024.3.1 - Thought this would have been fixed (didn’t read the info about the 2024.3.2 update should fix it), but it wasn’t.
  4. At this point I decided to remove the device from the HA Integration and waited till 2024.3.2 was released.
  5. Version 2024.3.2 (and .3) were released and now I can’t re-integrate the device via the HA Integration.

Hope that helps.

Anything in your logs when you try and re-integrate ?

The log does not say anything. That’s why I was asking if I am missing something.
I am looking at the Home Assistant Core log, because the Unifi Protect Integration is not loaded without a connected device, I am missing those logs.

When I had this issue before 2024.3.2, when I tried to add the integration, I got an error in the logs, thought you might see the same

Someone out there who can point me in the right direction to dig into this issue?
Is there some option to force some logging while the integration throws this kind of exception?

Make a new post, your question is unrelated to the topic at hand and you won’t get hits for your question.