PSA: Yale Home integration migration

I can confirm that the integration is working again, thank you!

Edit: I’m stupid. It’s working after I update HA to latest version. Great work. :ok_hand:

I must be banned then, I get invalid authentication. I have not used any wake up automations. Waiting for the new integration. Thanks for your hard work to get it working again.

It must be my case too, because it still doesn’t work!

I got it working after updating HA to latest version.

Its possible to override the built-in integration with a custom component. Based on the fact the translations are missing in your screenshot it seems very likely you have a custom version installed which if overriding the core integration.

Try updating, deleting /config/custom_components/august and restarting

Works as normal, thanks for your hard work!

Dont work for me either, just installed the wifi hub and was going to try and add Yale Home but no luck.

Had an August lock before but I have already deleted that device from HA and tried to add my Doorman instead.

Also tried the “Reset password” way but also no luck.

Edit: after update HA to 2024.8.3 I could now add via August > Yale Home. Thank you for the quick update!

Huge Thank you to @bdraco for all the effort that has gone into this

I just updated HA to 2024.8.3 and re-added the Augustus / Yale Home integration (as I removed to during troubleshooting) and authenticated and received a verification code as expected.

Thank you @bdraco, It’s working after updating HA to 2024.8.3

After the update to 2024.8.3, everything worked again and a login was possible. Thank you very much for your tireless efforts and your quick help. :laughing: :heart_eyes:

I had an August custom integration I didn’t know of. When I deleted it and set up the default integration everything is working again.

I used to “Wake” the API every 10 minutes since this is the only way to see if the door have been locked/unlocked manually, but I guess this is what created this whole mess. Is it OK if we do this once every hour, or should it be avoided completely?

Thanks @bdraco! I can confirm that after the update to 2024.8.3 the integration is working again.

I used to “Wake” the API every 10 minutes since this is the only way to see if the door have been locked/unlocked manually, but I guess this is what created this whole mess. Is it OK if we do this once every hour, or should it be avoided completely?

Please don’t automate wake calls as that’s what helped get us in trouble in the first place. Once the new integration is available it won’t be needed anymore.


This is why I run all z-wave (zw3) modules. Wifi was unreliable and slow (not the integrations fault, yale app was the same).

In a similar situation, need to try and keep track of the door lock status, as I’ve setup some dependant automations around motion detection from the Ring Door bell.

If the door is unlocked don’t send Ring motion notifications until the door is locked again, however with the door never reporting back on an Auto-Lock I resorted to the “wake button” work-around. Only sending the “Wake” after I expect the door to be closed and Auto Locked after 3 Minutes.

However, that now doesn’t seem to work at all, sending even single “wake” command to the lock doesn’t invoke a status update. Also noticed the “wake command” is now rate limited to 2 command in 30 Minutes.


I’ll come up with a other way to do this, with the lock not updating, the ring motion detection remains off for long periods, until I notice the door status show as unlocked while it is physically locked.

The fact that it works again is amazing, just need to problem solve in a different way not to impact overall operation / integration

Yale said too many “wake” requests from users, that’s why they banned it,

you may set your program to check the status every 30mins

by the way, i discovered that after banning users from using “Wake”, the lock now responses faster to lock/unlock commands.

Please don’t automate wake requests. Thanks


“With great power comes great responsibility” (Spiderman) seems to apply here… HA gives us great power, but it is also up to us not to abuse 3rd party APIs. I am in the camp of avoiding cloud products like the plague unless local control is possible, but if that is not an option then it would be great to know what limits there are to prevent HA users from inadvertently DDoSing vendor clouds. In other words, basic guidelines on what not to do such as reloading integrations too frequently, polling in short intervals, flooding with commands, etc.


I’ve updated HA core and OS, I’ve gone to add integration and can now see on that says Yale smart living, is this the new intergration for Yale home users? I have tried to use it and entered U/N and pass but it too fails with authentication, am I doing something wrong?


The new integration is available in beta: 2024.9.0b0. The new integration uses the new WebSocket APIs which provide updates continuously so there is no need to reload or wake the locks anymore.

For Yale Home users, to migrate, add the new yale integration, and remove the old august integration.

For August/Yale Access users, continue to use the august integration.

Please report any issues with the new integration using the normal beta channels for the next week. Releases - Home Assistant. After it makes it to release, please report any issues to GitHub issues.