Hi all, I am battling to pull cell data from a Google sheet into HA.
All I want to do is pull values for a certain range and display it on my dashboard. Our water meter readings are completed via Google form and linked to a Google Sheet.
Ultimately I want to display water meter readings over time.
I had a similar probleme where I tried to import a list from Google Sheets to HA to check if a value is correct. I ended up using Node Red with the GSheets Node. It might sound a bit scary at first if your new to HA but the setup is not to hard actually.
There are some youtube guides like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D36qSY6Es64
And if you do some further searching there is more. Just note that there are two different Google Sheet nodes you can use and they work a little different. For me GSheets was better but you can try for your self…