I have a few Zigbee and Zwave outlets/switches that measure power consumption in realtime. I know there is the Emulated Kasa function within HA that allows you to add static entries for power usage, which is fine for static loads. Emulated Kasa - Home Assistant
I get that Sense (and this is mainly why I care about this) does not directly support these but with the emulated Kasa, is there a way to edit the configuration.yaml file to, instead of pulling in a static entry, call out to a entity within the device to figure out that wattage.
For example, I have a Zigbee outlet running my dehumidifier with an automation to turn it on, should the humidity in the area get too high.
The outlet has the entity for current wattage. In this example it is “sensor.dehumidifier_active_power”. It would be nice to call to it for that.