Pulling Subscribed calendars from ICloud through CalDev Intragrarion

Alright here’s what I’m trying to do. I have my iCloud calendars all being pulled into HA via the CalDev intragration — works great. I can see all my iCloud emails EXCEPT any calendars that I’m subscribed too via a .ics subscription.

I have set that subscribed ics calendar to sync with iCloud, and it does with my Apple devices, but the CalDev intragrarion doesn’t seem to want to pull that specific calendar, even though it’s set to be a synced iCloud calendar and is viewable and synced across my Apple environment.

It almost seems the CalDev intergrarion ignores subscribed iCloud calendars.

Has anyone else successfully got HA to import an iCloud subscribed calendar? I’m thinking I need a new method to do this