Push button slowly dimming light when held

Hi All,

First time to these forums and relatively new home assistant user, so thank you in advance for your patience.

To explain my set up first up, I have some momentary switches (normally open) connected to some Shelly 1PMs which are connected via MQTT to mosquito - all that is working nicely, and I’ve been able to create an automation based on the relay activation using the UI.

Now, I want to go to “step 2” and get a bit more advanced, but I’m a little stuck as the UI options don’t appear to provide me what I need to do from an automation perspective, which is basically; when the push button is held down for longer than a second, start dimming the globe (90%-80%-70%, etc until the push button is released). Is this possible?

When I think of the UI I think of really basic (if this happens, do this), but no looping conditions which I think would be required for this - e.g some kind of loop that basically fires on push button activation after 1 second, that basically says "while (push button=active) do { dim by 10%; sleep 100ms }.

Is something like that possible, has anyone done anything like this and can guide?

It’s only possible if your Shelly 1PMs can send a button released event. You run the dimming loop until this event is received.

You can’t do this with Lovelace UI buttons because while there is a hold event to trigger the start of the dimming there is no release event to stop it.

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So in MQTT explorer, input/0 goes to 1 when the button is pressed, stays as 1 when the button is held, and goes to 0 when it’s released - would this be satisfactory, it’s essentially a state change?

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Indeed it would be satisfactory.

Have a look at the new script options, particularly repeat until

You want to trigger on the button being pressed (button state = ‘on’) and repeat a loop of dimming one step, then delay, until the button is released (button state = ‘off’), or you reach a brightness of 0.

If you get this working it is a short step to being able to reverse the action. i.e. first long press = dimming, release, second long press = brightening, release, third long press = dimming again, etc…

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Legend! Thank you for your help. Let me give this a shot :slight_smile:

Actually you might want to trigger on the button state being ‘on’ for: at least 1 second. So you can still use short taps for togging the light on/off.

So did you finally succeed?