Push notif problem: Entity not found after iOS reauthentication

I did not delete the mobile app integration before doing the re-auth, due to App Store changes, on my iPhone.

HA created an iphone_2 device tracker. I renamed the original one to iphone_old and the iphone_2 to iphone. Now I get the following error when trying to send a push notification:


I already rebooted the iPhone (which made the device tracker work again), and also rebooted HA but still getting the same error.

I’m also getting


Since the renaming did not work, I deleted the integration (had to search for it as I haven’t done that before).
Rebooted HA and now I receive push notifications again! :slight_smile:

Too bad the process wasn’t flawless, it really didn’t need to make a new integration if only it had checked if there already was one.