Push notifications for Apple watch complications

I would love to be able to puth notifications to be shown - NOT as push but rather as complication data
(that’s the name the little widgets of data that are part of the apple watch face screens)

Since Pushover is suppurted for push notifications, I assume their new “glances” feature which uses a different API could work very nicely for this new type of notifications!..

read here:


My humble attempt at this BTW

Apple watch notification on watch face using pushover glances

Hey Amir,

did you solve it?

What do you mean @mny?

The link above (my comment on 17 Dec 16) will take you to my implementation on github as a custom component…

Note the link leads to 2 custom component and you probably only need the notify component.

(My code had and issue for a while due to interface change in one of the latest HA version but it’s back in action - make sure you D/L the latest version).