Push Notifications now available!

You should have a different service for each phone. You’ll have to open the app on that device (and restart HA if I’m not mistaken). You should see services like


That’s what I did, but the notification would only go through on the first device. I didn’t restart HA though if I remember correctly. I’ll try that.

You’ll have a different service for each phone, I think. So you’d have to call both.

That’s how I had it set up. But, looks like I haven’t rebooted the system since creating the automation. Did a reboot now and the notification works on both units. Thanks!

I’d like the important push messages to sound different. possible?

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Not currently - see the github repo for existing feature discussions.

I believe the intent is to reach feature parity with the iOS app by enhancing basic notifications with a sound payload although it may be possible to do something if more notification channels are implemented to allow individual users to specify their own alert sounds per channel (currently I see two available channels, Miscellaneous and Default on my Pixel 3).

so you can only make a different voice under iOS?

As I posted above, you cannot use different tones on a notification by notification basis currently in Android.
You can change the notification tone for all HA notifications on the Android phone on a per notification channel basis, but there is currently no way to create / specify channels from HA AFAIK.

Notification channels was submitted as a feature request to the repo. I agree that it would be useful to utilize them. For now you can use Tasker to read the notification and make a different sound when you get it. This is what I do for Discord today when I post to various channels in an automation.

I spotted the feature request after my post and agree. I tend to prefer letting the device user select their own notification tones rather than specifying centrally.

I have a set of notification tones that I use on my phone that let me identify by sound alone what app / account they relate to, which greatly helps triaging notifications when I’m deep in the mud at work.

I’m actually in the process of thinning out my Tasker profiles and moving the functionality into HA where practical / possible.

A PSA to anyone using images in notifications, the format has apparently changed on v1.6.0:

      message: "test"
      title: "test"
        image: "https://i.imgur.com/2wS3Jht.jpg"

This does not work.

Hass version 105.2, app: 1.6.0.

In the App COnfiguration page, nothing about notifications.
I have connection information

  • device registrion
  • location
  • other settings
  • app version info.

I have cleared the app cache and data and reset everything up, I now have two integrations… should I just delete the old one?


I have mobile_app: in my configuration.yaml.

what else can I do?

And yes, HASS has been restarted many a time since 1.2.0

What exactly does not work? You have some sample code?

the OP;

A new notify service prefixed with notify.mobile_app_ will appear

Meaning there is no service in your setup starting with notify.mobile_app_?

Have you tried logging out and back in the app on your phone through the user profile page?
I had to relog into the app to register the app again and then restarted HA.

Also you can remove the old integration if you have duplicates.

ok, I just did this. Logging out seems to blow away all the config, asked for my server configuration and what not again.

Anyway, did all of that and logged back in. I seem to have it now. Thanks

How exactly notifications works? It uses some HA cloud to push notifications?
I ask because my HA instance is not exposed to internet but notifications works :slight_smile:

Notifications are sent to our servers and forwarded to your device. Your HA does not need to be externally accessible to send basic notifications (e.g. those without actions or images).

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Pictures in portrait mode? I have managed to get my camera snapshot into the notification using below, but when expanding full size, I only get half of the picture. My security cam create portrait picture and it seems the “full size” image is expanding by width, not height. Is there a way to get the “full, portrait mode” picture in the notification?

actions: null
image: https://xxxx.ui.nabu.casa/local/images/snapshot.jpg
message: Arrival at the front door!
title: Arrival