Pushbullet alternative - android


Can anyone suggest a good solution for receiving text and photo messages from HA on an android phone?

I have tried Pushbullet and for the most part it works really well but I find that the app needs to be open to receive them. As a result I miss quite a few messages until I remember to open the app.

I’m planning on integrating short video clips from my IPTV cameras in the near future, so a solution that can handle those as well would be great.

Not the simplest of integrations to set up but works really well. Supports all you asked for and actionable notifications.

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The companion app does this.

I’ve moved away from messaging the companion app as once the messages are dismissed there is no history of them.

Thank you both.

I don’t think my companion app works when I’m away from the house. so I’ll try Telegram in the first instance.

pushbullet works for me. It needs permission to run in the background (energy settings depending on your android device)

Now that Pushbullet is no longer available on IOS I am also looking for an alternative. Thanks for pointing to Telegram, I will give that a try

Ok Telegram did not work for me… switched the notifications on the HA IOS app and that works ok