Pushbullet custom notification icon

I set up Pushbullet notifications and it’s working perfectly. I am wondering if there is a possibility to set custom pushbullet notification icons for HA. As I can see in Pushbullet API documentation there is such option:

From documentation:
icon - Base64-encoded JPEG image to use as the icon of the push

So for example if I get a notification from my alarm it’s a different icon than when I turn on my TV etc.

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this would be cool

i just try it today, and did not working for me to jpg code…

I found a workaround. If you crete Pushbullet channel, you can set a custom icon and it’s working perfectly.

This would be nice to have. The problem is, the library used does not have support for icon:

We’d either have to get that implemented there, or fork it and it it ouselves. Not sure how quickly features can be added to that library.