Pushbullet only seeing "Title" notifications - iPhone

For some reason I am unable to see additional message payload using Pushbullet. I can only pass the “Title” data, message data is ignored on iPhone platform running IOS 12.

Here is the simple code:

  - service: notify.mypushbullet
      title: title
      message: message

this produces the following notifications:

I can expand that notification but no additional detail exists:

If I remove “title” from the code and leave only message, the message payload still isn’t shown and title defaults to “Home Assistant” which is all that’s in the message. Any idea what’s going on here?

Yeah this is messed up. Forget the automation, just calling notify Pushbullet from the service dev tool with manual “message” payload produces the same results.

Here is the service dev tool:

Here is what shows up in the Pushbullet channel (accurate content):

Here is the received notification on iPhone (note “Home Assistant” is the default value for the “Title” field). As you can see the “message” payload doesn’t it make it to the notification.

I think either the Pushbullet platform is messed up in HA or Pushbullet is having issues sending notifications to the recent IOS12.

This still isn’t working for me. I’ve removed and reinstalled Pushbullet, I’ve signed in/out repeatedly, notifications still only come through showing the title value only. Anybody else having this problem?

Same exact issue for me too. Using HASSIO 104.2 with iOS 12.4.
It appears that the “Title” can only accept about 65 characters and any message is simply cut off within the 2nd row of the message displayed on the iPhone.

Did you ever find a solution? Does anyone have a solution?