I have pushbullet sending me picutres from my camera based on movement, was wondering if you could send two different files in the same notification? Could always just send two, notifications, but just curious if anyone had successfully sent two files in the same notifcation.
Adding more details to my question (and will likely answer it myself later this evening.
So I read a pushbullet release from a few years ago talking about the android app being able to send multiple images in one “push”, so I guess it’s theoretically possible. Not sure about HA., but generally this is the action section of my automation I plan on testing.
- service: notify.pushbullet_notifications
message: "{{ as_timestamp (now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} on {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y') }}"
- !secret mes_secret_email
- !secret yous_secret_email
title: Drive Way Line Crossing
file: "/tmp/frontdoor.jpg"
file: "/tmp/driveway1.jpg"
file: "/tmp/driveway2.jpg"
Curious to know the answer also.
Currently sending 5 consecutive pushes with a picture attached at one second intervals when camera senses motion and no one is home.
Nope, didnt work. Oh well, haha
did you ever get this solved?