Pushing Images with Pushover 3.0

Here is what I’m doing and it works well

  - service: notify.pushover
      - Paul
      - Tracy
      title: Vehicle has left the Parking Pad   
      message: "{{ as_timestamp (now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} on {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y') }}"
          path: '/tmp/backgate.jpg'

You are doing this with HA now? I created 4 API’s (same pushover account). one for images (cameras), one for system message, one for urgent, and one general. I created 4 notifiers each using the new unique API keys, but all using the same user key. I signed out of the app on my phone, signed back in , deleted the old account, created new account. All still come from the same initial account. Even pushover website shows no new notifications from the new APIs. Any guesses, did you create multiple pushover accounts?

I just found out that I have been receiving the image, but my wife has not. Does anyone else have any pushover automations that send an image to multiple targets? I’ve tested with both of us individually and we can both receive images, but not with both listed as the target. She does get the message and title though

Yeah, I’m just adding another action for that, might not be the best way…
Did you look into the group notify?

Never tried it with PushOver…

No I use a single Pushover token for HomeAssistant, another for a different system, etc.

@brkr19 great job on that custom component. I just used it in my guide. I’m hoping they include the ability to include attachments with Pushover in the default notification.

I just installed v.91 - for some reason this custom component is no longer overriding the default pushover component. I’ve been running the custom component for almost a year without issue - I had to change the folder structure several releases ago to custom_components/pushover/notify.py and all was working great until now.

Anyone else having this issue? Is there a way to force HA to pickup the custom pushover component?


Was able to get this working again in v.91 - not sure if this issue popped up for anyone else in .91 but here’s what I did to fix it:

1.) Modified the custom component directory name /custom_components/pushover/ to /custom_components/pushover_file

2.) added Domain = ‘pushover_file’ after the _Logger line in the notify.py file

3.) Modified my configuration.yaml to reference platform: pushover_file vs platform: pushover


I was able to get it working following your instructions, but did not have to do step 2. Basically just renamed folder and updated config.yaml

I’m unsure how to follow these instructions… with this pushover_file mention and "notify.py (which one is that?)
This is my actual setup:
in “/custom_components/notify”, I have this:
And since latest update, it’s not working (since it uses the same name as built in one I presume)
I think I need to create the structure /custom_components/pushover/notify.py but so not sure how to do this and what to modify… (plus I think I need to rename to something else but unsure where to fix everywhere it could refer to it)…

But I did not have to do step 2. Bottom line, the folder name can no longer be the same name as a existing component.

in this procedure, what is “pushover_file” a folder or the pushover "notify.py file?

edit: ok, I got it…
Edit the platform in notify.yaml to “pushover_custom” instead of “pushover” (based on my choice of folder name)

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You can also create a group of devices in pushover with its own key and use that to notify multiple users/devices as one operation.

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didn’t know that, thanks!

Amazing that pushover is 2.0 in hass…why not just get this stuff in the default?

It would be very nice to have this feature (and the new animated gifs) into the default pushover component of HASS!

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Local as well.

I tried this for the first time today. For a new user it took some time of trial and error with all variants above.

This is how I made it work:

  1. Download pushover.py
  2. Save it as /custom_components/pushover_file/notify.py
  3. Add line: Domain = 'pushover_file' after the _Logger line in notify.py
  4. Add
    - /tmp to configuration.yaml
  5. Reboot
  6. Automation:
  - service: camera.snapshot
      entity_id: camera.cam01
      filename: '/tmp/snapshot_camera01.jpg'


- service: notify.pushover_file
      message: 'Alert - {{now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}}'
      title: Alarm
          path: /tmp/snapshot_camera01.jpg
        priority: 1
  1. Profit.

Thanks to everyone that contributed in the thread!


Hi guys,
has anyone updated to 0.92 and can they confirm everything with the component is working?

Not for me. I’ve updated from 0.87 to 0.92, and this is the only thing that doesn’t seem to be working.
I’ve tried various different things from this thread. I’m getting this error:

attachment: invalid message parameter

And I’m seeing this in the startup. Not sure if it’s the issue:

[homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of python-pushover==0.3

Works for me still…