Pushing Images with Pushover 3.0

didn’t read the docs close enough… my bad.

Just upgraded to 0.88.1 and had the same issue with the name parameter.

I was able to fix it as follows, based on diffing github changes to the pushover component on 14th Feb per GitHub

  1. Changed the custom component structure from /notify/pushover.py to pushover/notify.py

  2. I added an empty init.py (this may be unecessary)

  3. Modified my notify.py as follows:


from homeassistant.components.notify import (
from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv


from homeassistant.components.notify import (
BaseNotificationService, PLATFORM_SCHEMA)
from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

and changed:

vol.Required(CONF_USER_KEY): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string,


vol.Required(CONF_USER_KEY): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string,

A restart then no longer gives the warning message and my notifications (with images) work as expected.
YMMV as always with this type of thing so please backup your custom component first.

I’ve been using pushbullet for a while with images, I set up pushover a long time ago, but never used it because of wanting images. For those of you using it, what is the advantage over pushbullet? I’m always looking for improvements

  • 1 off payment per client platform if you stay under a message limit.
  • Email gateway.
  • You can define applications providing a neat subdivision of messages in the client.
  • Priority levels, with the ability to bypass Do not disturb on Android and repeating alerts.
  • you can define delivery groups of multiple Pushover users
  • you can target individual clients on multi-client accounts for individual messages
  • easy API for coding.

We use it at work for monitoring alerts, and I’ve been using it for 5 years after moving from ‘Notify My Android’.

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Great stuff - this worked flawlessly, just made the 2 code changes and the name warning has disappeared in version .88.

Any hope that images functionality gets rolled up into the standard Pushover component?

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Another satisfied paid Pushover user here.

Also, next release will have GIF support.

Get a paid plan now, and let’s roll Attachments into the standard Pushover component :slight_smile:

I just updated a cleaner version of this here: https://github.com/brkr19/home-assistant/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/notify/pushover.py. This addresses the style issues that held it up in the last PR and made it more efficient.

I’m not sure what this comment meant though: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/18605#pullrequestreview-178701475. If we need to create a notify helper in order to get this merged, that’s beyond my comprehension!


@ brkr19 Thank you for your continued push to get this pulld into the official version. I’ve been using this for month without issue. I recently moved my server and had to reinstall home assistant. Pushover was giving me errors and I forgot I loaded this custom component. I hope it’s standard soon.

I just moved from pushbullet to pushover. I’m enjoying it so far.

I was wondering if it is possible to categorize pushover messages within HA

So maybe a different category for security Alerts, and another for images sent, and another just for informational

So in the app, It would be easier to review messages later rather than a long list of messages. If not, no worries.

You should be able to categorize Pushover messages at the client end by creating unique Pushover “Applications” / “API Tokens” in your Pushover account. You then use the token as your pushover api token in the notifier configuration; so you would create multiple notifiers for the different levels.
You can then assign unique icons etc that will show in the client.

I do this to differentiate between multiple systems sending me alerts using Pushover.

Probably not exactly what you had in mind but it’s a solid way to filter in the Pushover client.

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Been a while since I last visited this thread…
Been using this custom component for a while without issue.
Now, about the new custom component structure, not 100% sure how to patch it to avoid the warnings…
From what I think I understand, I create a “pushover” folder in my “custom_components” folder, rename pushover.py to notify.py and place it in?
What about “init.py”? Not clear what to do about this?

Thanks in advance…
***So annoying this hasn’t been merged in official release yet… This is working perfectly to push my cam snapshots to PushOver without any glitch.

I’m not sure about the patching, as I’m running from source in a docker container for now.

Question for everyone though: does anyone use this to attach local images or is everyone attaching an image from a url (like a camera snapshot, etc).

I have a feeling the way I’m loading local images might be why a helper was requested, so if I strip that out, maybe this could get merged quicker.

@sfnetwork I posted in this thread on Feb 23 how I adjusted my custom component for the new structure.

@brkr19 I use it for both local images and snapshot urls.

I am using url to a local server (which isn’t accessible from Internet).

I have temporarily turned that thing off though, since I couldn’t figure out how to get this running as a custom component with the latest Home Assistant.

Here is what I’m doing and it works well

  - service: notify.pushover
      - Paul
      - Tracy
      title: Vehicle has left the Parking Pad   
      message: "{{ as_timestamp (now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }} on {{ now().strftime('%d %b %Y') }}"
          path: '/tmp/backgate.jpg'

You are doing this with HA now? I created 4 API’s (same pushover account). one for images (cameras), one for system message, one for urgent, and one general. I created 4 notifiers each using the new unique API keys, but all using the same user key. I signed out of the app on my phone, signed back in , deleted the old account, created new account. All still come from the same initial account. Even pushover website shows no new notifications from the new APIs. Any guesses, did you create multiple pushover accounts?

I just found out that I have been receiving the image, but my wife has not. Does anyone else have any pushover automations that send an image to multiple targets? I’ve tested with both of us individually and we can both receive images, but not with both listed as the target. She does get the message and title though

Yeah, I’m just adding another action for that, might not be the best way…
Did you look into the group notify?

Never tried it with PushOver…

No I use a single Pushover token for HomeAssistant, another for a different system, etc.

@brkr19 great job on that custom component. I just used it in my guide. I’m hoping they include the ability to include attachments with Pushover in the default notification.