Pushing .json with template to Awtrix3

Hi Community,

I try to send a MQTT packet with a template to Awtrix. (Sensor read)
As long as I push static text only, it works fine, but when I use a template (which works in the template editor) it only shows “N/A” on the Awtrix display.
I know that the packet is received by the Awtrix device, because I can add an icon and this is presented correctly.

This is the payload:
“text”: “{{ states(‘sensor.warmepumpe_aussentemperatur’) }}”,
“duration”: 10,
“icon”: “65875”

This is the output of the template editor:

This is, what Awtrix3 displays:

Any help is appreciated.


Please show how you publish to MQTT

I am publishing through HA via Mosquito broker

Found the solution … had to switch on “Allow template”
Quite obvious … :roll_eyes: