Pushover and Alarmo, How do I show Alamo variables in Pushover messages?

How do I use Alamo variables such as {{changed_by}} or {{open_sensors}} in a Pushover alert?

I want the Pushover alert for an alarm trigger event to display the sensor that tripped the alarm.

I also want Pushover to state who Armed or Disarmed the alarm. Or use {{arm_mode}} variable in a Pushover message to show the mode activated.

Looks like no one has tried this before or that there is no known way to accomplish this???

SOLVED! Someone on Discord was able to point me in the right direction…

Under Alarmo’s [ACTIONS] menu, under [Actions], I created a new notification should the alarm trip.

Under “Task” in [TO YAML] i entered the following code:

- service: notify.pushover
    message: >-
      ALARM Triggered by {% for open_sensor in
      state_attr("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", "open_sensors").keys() |list %}
        {{ state_attr(open_sensor, 'friendly_name') }}
      {% endfor %}
      - my_iphone
      priority: 2
      sound: siren
      expire: 300
      retry: 30

This yields a red critical alert that states:

ALARM Triggered by
Back Window

I also created a action for notifying when alarm was ARMED:

- service: notify.pushover
    message: >-
      Alarm has been set to {{ state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo',
      'arm_mode') }} by {{ state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo',
      'changed_by') }}
    title: ALARM
    target: my_iphone
      priority: 0
      sound: beep
      expire: 300

Which yields:

Alarm has been set to armed_away by Richard

Used this code… suddenly stopped working and have this error:

UndefinedError: ‘None’ has no attribute ‘keys’