Pushover sounds/priority?


I saw a commit merged back in June for additional Pushover parameters (https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/2381/commits/6fa095f4a7c0d005381e9f3f6b621f9919cb779e) and was wondering if anyone was using custom sounds yet?

alias: Notification

  • service: notify.john
    message: “shut up”
    sound: “siren”

16-08-26 16:55:13 homeassistant.core: Invalid service data for notify.john: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘sound’]. Got ‘siren’

Dump of data object:
{‘sound’: ‘siren’, ‘title’: ‘Home Assistant’}

Am I formatting this incorrectly or is it not yet supported?

Have you tried the example in the pull request #2309?

  alias: Garage Door is Open
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.garage_door
    state: 'open'
    service: notify.pushover
      title: Garage Door
      message: The garage door is open.
      target: iPhone,MacBookPro
        url: https://home-assistant.io/
        url_title: Home Assistant
        priority: 1
        timestamp: 1466024112
        sound: siren
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I did not see that, thank you very much!

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The recent updates for all pushover parameters now support emergency messages that must be acknowledged by the user using the syntax shown below. Pushover does not recommend setting sound in the message but letting the receiver set that in the client “As sounds may change in the future” causing the message to fail. Setting timestamp: true is setting the timestamp to now.

- service: notify.pushover
    title: 'Fibaro Smoke Sensor: '
    message: 'Smoke Detected'
      priority: 2
      timestamp: true
      expire: 3600
      retry: 30
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I appreciate the heads up, thank you.

Sounds sent in the message still work for now though correct? I am using group messaging so using different sounds to identify non-critical events are a lot easier than customizing each client (I will use something different for critical messages in the future).

According to the documentation on Pushover it will work. And they are probably not removing sounds, just adding so I guess you are safe.

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I am using pushover and am trying to use a data_template within an automation:

  • service: notify.po
    title: ‘HomeAssistant:’
    message: ‘{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Opened’

This works fine but If I try to add:

  • service: notify.po
    title: ‘HomeAssistant:’
    message: ‘{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Opened’
    priority: ‘1’

Then I get an error about extra keys not allowed @

I am sure I am using priority elsewhere without issues

I do something similar… Try the following (mind the formatting):

      - service: notify.all
            title: 'Home Assistant'
            sound: 'alien'
            priority: 1
          message: >
            {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.friendly_name }} was opened!