Put precip_1d in the weather_1d_metric

i have the question is is possible show in the front end the precipitation inside of the icon of sensor “weather_1d_metric”

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
# Weather prediction


  • platform: yr
  • platform: wunderground
    api_key: af04f506bfb7a13b
    • weather_1d_metric
    • precip_1d
    • weather_1n_metric
    • weather_2d_metric
    • weather_2n_metric
    • weather_3d_metric
    • weather_3n_metric
    • weather_4d_metric
    • weather_4n_metric

if you can se i have the prediction the four days and too tha precipitacion, but i can do that the precipitation forecast show inside of the comoponents “-weather_nd”,because that componen dont give me that precipitation forecast and i dont wanna see to much icons in my front end, the question is tha next, is possible?