Putting 'last tripped time' under sensor in UI

I have seen a screenshot where there was a last tripped time underneath the sensors. Unfortunately I cannot find the post anymore but found (at least for layout purpose) what I mean in below screenshot (the grey text below the main text).

How is this done?

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I think this screenshot is an older version.

But @ReneTode did somehting like this with AppDaemon if you’re interested:


I was doing something similar and it was working until recently.

Relative_time template extension

@ReneTode also came up with this which does a pretty good job but not the format I am looking for.

@PtP This was in the breaking changes for 0.29.x - maybe this is the reason it stopped working?

The template methods now and utcnow have been changed from variables to methods. To get the current time replace now with now().

I am wanting to use relative_time though.

I want an update in seconds that transfers to minutes since a time stamp.

Anyway I always appreciate ya @rpitera !

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Same goes for me, dude. I’ll keep looking, cause I remember seeing a post somewhere about this subject…

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robert, what would you exactly like?

seconds after something happens is actually not like HA. nothing in HA is about speed.
but if you have any wisches, i would be glad to help you.

@PtP which format would you like?

by the way nowadays i have things like:
max or min temp today, max or min temp yesterday, or this week or this month, or this year.
i must say that actually any statistical function is available if you like it.

So just to make sure I think we are talking about two different things here; How to get last tripped displayed in the UI and how to do it in the UI like above screenshot.

If I understand correctly the second point can’t be done anyway?

p.s. the sensors I load via Vera actually contain an attribute ‘last tripped’ (bottom screenshot) while the ones added directly to HASS not (both are z-wave sensors). Is this because there are missing zwave classes in OZW or HASS?

I was just looking for a similar article for the OP, but thanks for the offer. :slight_smile:

I’m using this and the trending sensor for my weather station and it helps me make predictions! I’m loving @fabaff’s new sensors!

Well I don’t think you can get it exactly like the display, but you could make a template sensor of the last_tripped_time attribute and display it underneath the source sensor. That’s sort of a compromise.

Too bad it can’t be done anymore. It looks soo good and clean on that screenshot.

And people keep asking about it - I just saw a post today referencing it and @balloob asked if folks finding old screenshots could update them.

I wonder if this wouldn’t be something that could go into feature requests? I’m sure that there was a reason why this was removed as part of the UI but maybe it could be added back as an option?