PWM fan pigpio component Daemon PWM LED removed

I have a problem since they deprecated and removed the pigpio Daemon PWM LED component I was using for the PWM fan using the following code with python scripts and the pigpio add-on could handle it perfectly.


platform: rpi_gpio_pwm
name: RPI cooling fan
pilot: gpio
pins: [18]
type: simple
Enable Python scripts

Do you have any advice for me to be able to still use the pwm fan of my Geekworm NASPi 2.5 "SATA HDD / SSD NAS Storage Kit for Raspberry Pi 4 B
Thanks a lot to everyone

Your best bet is to look into how to install the deprecated pigpio component as a custom component.

This post describes that process for another deprecated gpio component (raspihats).. You should be able to adapt it, or look through that thread for more information.