PWM fan - set fan speed as percentage?

I have an esp32 unit with a 4pins PWM fan attached to it.
I am trying to adjusted speed by PWM since 3 days.


  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  - platform: speed
    output: fan_speed
    name: "Fan Speed"
  - platform: ledc
    id: fan_speed
    pin: GPIO16

Works fine but I cannot put speed on dashboard directly:

Just to confirm, you can control the speed after clicking on the entity and then using the “Vitesse” slider, but you are expecting to be able to control the speed from that entity card directly? If so, I don’t think there is a built-on card that allows you to do that.
However, there is for example the custom mushroom fan card that has speed control right on the card itself:

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Thanks for your support.
Yes I can control the speed after clicking on the entity and then using the “Vitesse” slider.

Speed Fan platform looks easy but I did not get “Speed” slider on the card. Only on/off.

I am trying to add custom mushroom fan card

custom mushroom fan card works perfectly.
Many thx!

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