Pyscript service for websocket

I’m really pulling my hair over how to implement pyscript to utilize a websocket module (this one). I’m using HaOS/Odroid. I’ve confirmed that the module works as intended, by launching it through the Advanced SSH add-on, where one can access python3.

As to the pyscript implementation, I have successfully installed it. The module in point is in [config]/pyscript/modules/. I have then created a file in /pyscript/ called with the following code, which is not working:

from sungrow-websocket import SungrowWebsocket
host = ""
sg = SungrowWebsocket(host)
def data():
    return allt

def sgdata():"sgdata testar!")
    allt = data()"{allt}")
    state.set(input_text.sgdatan, allt)

Log throws me this:
Exception in </config/pyscript/> line 1: from sungrow-websocket import SungrowWebsocket ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 1)

Could someone please help me on this one?

from sungrow_websocket import SungrowWebsocket