Python 3.6 upgrade of a virtualenv

Still have ALL my Novell stuff - I too was more on the Novell side. I did a few large implementations, Jersey CIty Public Schools, New Brunswick Board of Ed. A lot of educational markets. I have a nice golf umbrella and a backpack I still use as well as my “N” t-shirt. LOL

I have two: One standard heather gray with the blue MS logo across the chest. Then on the 1st anniversary of the beta, I got another gray shirt with what looks like home brew iron on. It had a cake on it and something to the effect of “How do you cut a cake into X pieces?” on the back or front with X being the number of registered beta testers. I was also on their site; I have a print out and if I can locate that and/or the T-shirt, I’ll get pics here.

This is becoming a very messy post. Fun but sooooo way off topic. It would be great to sit and wander through all this old tech. This is way too much fun. Thanks so much to you both!

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When Novell first launched their web server, they had a contest for the first x number of web sites online with their software. The prize a T-shirt. At the time I was big into BBQ contests with the team I work with. So I used their software to put up a site with the team’s big pig logo and some pictures of the party at the Q. I sent it in to Novell. They respond that it was great, etc. Then I sent back, hey where’s my T-shirt. I’m sure they meant for it to be for business sites, but I got my T-shirt. LOL


I got a shirt from them when I got NetWare certified on 4.1. They were pushing NDS, so the shirt had NDS on the front and Novell on the back. I predicted that they would be around for a long time, as MS had just come out with WFW3.11 and the only other real competitor was Lantastic for DOS. Little did I know that Norvell’s failure to adopt TCP/IP early on would lead to their demise! Oh, and the fact that MS stole NDS and called it AD didn’t help.

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Very true, much to the disappointment of my stock portfolio. We actually installed SFT3. That was a real trip to keep running. I remember going in one Sunday a month, and shutting down all of our servers, whether they needed it or not, doing check disks on them and a couple of other maintenance jobs, before turning them back on for the rest of the month. Simple things like that took our down time from typically one incident a week, to maybe one incident a month.

Did you ever deal with the old 68B servers built on the Motorola 68000 platform?

Fortunately, no. I did a few SFT3 setups, but we actually preferred another product by a third-party over it. I forget the name of it, but it allowed you to use non-similar hardware to mirror everything in an Active-Standby scenario. Although it wasn’t 100% uptime like SFT3 promised (ha ha), if the primary failed or abended, you had a timeout (usually 5-10 minutes) before the standby server would reboot and assume the primary role. It worked pretty well, and it was running at a customer of mine’s until about 4 years ago. The biggest issue with that software was if the original primary server restarted, it would think it was also the primary, so an election would have to take place. The early releases of the software didn’t have an incremental/serialized counter in it, so sometimes the election would go bad and the incorrect server would become the primary. It was easily fixed by shutting down the incorrect server and letting the failover take place, but man was it is a pain in the neck.

If we’re talking Novell creds I’d like to lay claim to my MCNE, MCNI, CDE, and CNEs 3-6 inclusive. The shirts and boxes have long since been kicked out the door but I still have some Novell cards with my name on them from contract consulting back in the 90s.

I hope that is enough to allow me to ask - has consensus been reached on exactly what the process is/should-be to get my system updated to python 3.6? There’s been a lot of back and forth here, has anyone put together a rough path to getting this done that will work today and will be supportable in the future?


The top post is a summary of the steps I took for upgrading to Python 3.6 for a virtual environment. I only did it once, but at least one other person seemed to have success with it. As for being able to say it’s supportable in the future… I’m not one of the devs so I can’t say for sure what their plans are for the future. All I can say is that it worked for me without any problems. But also, there isn’t anything saying that you NEED to upgrade to 3.6 now. Based on some posts I have seen I have a feeling it’s coming, but it may be pushed out as part of before it is pushed to the general community here.

I’m interested in seeing where the devs go with If enhancements start showing up there before they show up here, or if they are only available there, then we may all end up switching there and then this whole thread will be a mute point (except for the trip down Novell memory lane of course. And yes your creds are impressive. I stopped chasing the CNE after 4 I think. By then I was teaching Netware at a local community college so it wasn’t really an issue for me.


If you listened to the last podcast, Andrew even seemed interested in it; I wouldn’t be surprised to see a AD add-in. He talked about making up something like the store for AD too; so that apps could be easily added but that’s far in the future - there’s a lot being worked on right now that Rene and I are testing that will be really cool.

His interview on the HA Podcast was really well done and Andrew was an excellent guest. You should check it out:

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Error 520 the website returned an unknown error. LOL

Sitewide. I keep getting CloudFlare messages.

Just listened to it. Awesome. You and Rene got good well deserved kudos too.

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It was really nice of Andrew to mention us. Did wonders for my ego too. LOL

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This worked for me but I did upgrade to 3.6.2 instead of 3.6.0. HASS seems stable so far. Big thank you to @turboc!

Man this stuff is hard to follow… My requirements.txt was empty and was getting errors similar to “No module named ‘pip’ after pip installed”. Went down a rabbits hole and ended up upgrading to debian stretch instead wtf? lol In the hopes that pythong would get upgraded lol

Hass is awesome and great but documentation for novices is rough on the edges at best. Googling and attempting to get things to work is always fun but it gets tiring to backup sd cards every week.

“Deprecating Python 3.4 support” on the home page of Hass is fine and with a little elbow grease most users should get it going but don’t make such posts if the average consumer can’t follow :frowning:

# End of rant
   trigger: bloodshot_eyes
      platform: eyeballs
      entity_id: cant_python
      from: cleareyes
      service: go_tobed
      entity_id: n00b

Dear turboc,

I have tried this procedure three times bus without results, the ha doesn’t start after this procedure.
I have a All-in-One installation and a Raspberry Pi 3.
Can you please make a list of the comand with the default installation (vistual env in /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/) step by step starting from the basic ssh connection with pi user (pi@raspberrypi: )

This is my procedure list but doesn’t work…

tar xzvf Python-3.6.3.tgz
cd Python-3.6.3/
sudo make install
source /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/activate
pip3 freeze —local > requirements.txt
rm -rf /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/
python3.6 -m venv /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
cd /home/homeassistant
sudo pip3 install -r /home/pi/requirements.txt
sudo systemctl restart home-assistant.service

Thanks in advance…

What errors do you get going through this process?

The homeassistant doesn’t work.
I also try to reboot the pi but home assistant dont start. Is the sequence of the terminal comands i have write right?

If I understand correctly, you are moving from the all-in-1 installer to the virtual environment. If so you probably need to follow the steps for installing home assistant instead of the sudo pip3 install -r /home/pi/requirements.txt step. But I don’t know what this will do as far as moving over any configuration you had saved. This has not been tested with anything other than the virtual environment configuration.

Sorry but the all in one installer create a virtual environment by default or not?