Python 3.6.x upgrade

Is there a good guide about upgrading python to 3.6.x release on hassbian running HA 0.94.1 ?

Yes, it is mentioned in the release notes.

sudo hassbian-config upgrade python

Can you give me the link of the release notes… cannot find it… :laughing:

The current Release Notes are always on the main page.

says this:

If you are using hassbian, you can upgrade Python by following these instructions.

which links to:

Thanks a lot…

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I PuTTY’ed into my Pi and ran the command:

sudo hassbian-config upgrade python

and it said:

This script will change a lot on your pi.
DO NOT run this if it’s not absolutely necessary
You can force run the upgrade script like this:
sudo hassbian-config upgrade python --force

So I tried

sudo hassbian-config upgrade python --force

and it came back with:

It is NOT recomended to run this.
Are you absolutely sure you want to run this script? [N/y]:

I obviously said “No”.