Python-eq3b script on remote device possible?


I just got a EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostate to test the integration with home assistant to see if it would be a good solution to control some of our radiators.

Unfortunately I must have been quiet tired when making the order, just realizing now that stuff might not work out how I would need it to. In short:

I have a RP3 running as a dedicated device for stuff like homebridge, pilight, etc. My Home Assistant instance what so ever is running on my QNAP NAS within a docker container. This gives me the flexibility I need and so far has been the best solution.

Now as I understand, the python-eq3bt library used to control the EQ3 Bluetooth thermostat, which later hooks into Hass via the ‘eq3btsmart’ component has to run on the same machine as the Hass instance, right? Or is there anyway to tell home assistant to look for the python-eq3bt script on a remote computer (my RP3) on the network?

Help highly appreciated!
