Python script - dictionary constructor not functioning

I have created a Python script to change volume on a media player entity or a group of media players with a “transition” by repeatedly calling the volume_set service. To achieve this I am creating a dictionary consisting of the entity id’s as key and a boolean as value:

dict_of_speaker_bools = dict([(speaker_id, False) for speaker_id in entity_id_list])

However, the execution of the code line above returns the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/python_script/”, line 205, in execute
exec(compiled.code, restricted_globals)
File “”, line 12, in
NameError: name ‘dict’ is not defined

The Python script as a whole:

entity_id = data.get('entity_id')
group_volume = bool(data.get('group_volume'))
target_volume = float(data.get('volume_level'))

if group_volume:
  entity_id_list = hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes['sonos_group']
  entity_id_list = entity_id

logger.warning(entity_id_list) # For debugging purposes

dict_of_speaker_bools = dict([(speaker_id, False) for speaker_id in entity_id_list])

volume_increment = 0.015

while not all(dict_of_speaker_bools.values()):

  for speaker_id in entity_id_list:
    current_volume = hass.states.get(speaker_id).attributes['volume_level']

    volume_diff = target_volume - current_volume

    if abs(volume_diff) <= volume_increment:
      dict_of_speaker_bools[speaker_id] = True
      service_data = {"entity_id": speaker_id, "volume_level": target_volume}"media_player", "volume_set", service_data)

    volume_diff_sign = volume_diff/abs(volume_diff)
    volume_delta = volume_increment * volume_diff_sign
    new_volume = current_volume + volume_delta

    service_data = {"entity_id": speaker_id, "volume_level": new_volume}"media_player", "volume_set", service_data)


The code is available on Github.

Thank you for any assistance!

The python_script integration runs in sandboxed environment where import and several other things are not supported and, by the looks of that error message, neither is dict().

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@123 thank you for the quick reply. I solved it by creating a list of booleans. I also found that enumerate() does not work either.

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Yes, I had discovered that limitation as well, along with the inability to do x += 1 and json.dumps().

I know I’m alittle late to the game but you can solve this:

dict_of_speaker_bools = dict([(speaker_id, False) for speaker_id in entity_id_list])


dict_of_speaker_bools = { speaker_id: False for speaker_id in entity_id_list }

And as a side note, you could have done this if you had access to dict:

dict_of_speaker_bools = dict.fromkeys(entity_id_list, False)

All 3 of these result in the same answer. The second does not require dict.

Thank you very much for the input, I changed to the code you suggested and it works perfect!

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