Python_script event data

I am trying to get the event data inside a python_script.

I call media_player.kodi_call_method with:

    "properties": ["playcount", "season", "episode"]

I then react with this automation:

- alias: Kodi event
    platform: event
    event_type: kodi_call_method_result
    service: python_script.kodi
      event: '{{ trigger.event }}'

How do I parse the event object in the python script?

event = data.get('event', 'testing')

This returns None… and event['result'] doesn’t work either…
event contains the correct data and I see it in the logfile:

2017-11-20 23:03:16 INFO (Thread-10) [] <Event kodi_call_method_result[L]: result_ok=True, entity_id=media_player.kodi, result=limits=start=0, total=28, end=28, tvshows=[{'label': ....

I have a very similar problem. I am trying to interact with Kodi to search my media library based on input parameters, add the found songs to a playlist, and play it. I can make the initial query call to Kodi to search the library, but I cannot figure out how to get the resultant payload from that call to continue my workflow. I see that the result comes back as a kodi_call_method_results event but it appears I cannot listen to events from a python script. I just want to make the query and get the results back so I can process them and continue my workflow but I have spent hours trying various things with no success.