Python script to calculate elevation / direction from ISS coordinates

Not sure if anyone is interested or can have a look at it and propose any improvements.
this project is to get the iss location and calculate from the received latitude, longitude and altitude the location in sky in alt/az. coordinates.

I know there is an ISS integration, but I got really bad results ( well besides the long/lat, these are fine)

# converted from 
# import math

def earth_radius_in_meters(latitude_radians):
    # latitudeRadians is geodetic, i.e. that reported by GPS.
    a = 6378137.0 # equatorial radius in meters
    b = 6356752.3 # polar radius in meters
    cos = math.cos(latitude_radians)
    sin = math.sin(latitude_radians)
    t1 = a * a * cos
    t2 = b * b * sin
    t3 = a * cos
    t4 = b * sin
    return math.sqrt((t1*t1 + t2*t2) / (t3*t3 + t4*t4))

def geocentric_latitude(lat):
    # Convert geodetic latitude 'lat' to a geocentric latitude 'clat'.
    # Geodetic latitude is the latitude as given by GPS.
    # Geocentric latitude is the angle measured from center of Earth between a point and the equator.
    e2 = 0.00669437999014
    return math.atan((1.0 - e2) * math.tan(lat))

def location_to_point(c):
    d = {}
    # Convert (lat, lon, elv) to (x, y, z).
    lat = c['lat'] * math.pi / 180.0 
    lon = c['lon'] * math.pi / 180.0
    radius = earth_radius_in_meters(lat)
    geo_centric_lat   = geocentric_latitude(lat)
    cos_lon = math.cos(lon)
    sin_lon = math.sin(lon)
    cos_lat = math.cos(geo_centric_lat)
    sin_lat = math.sin(geo_centric_lat)
    x = radius * cos_lon * cos_lat
    y = radius * sin_lon * cos_lat
    z = radius * sin_lat
    # We used geocentric latitude to calculate (x,y,z) on the Earth's ellipsoid.
    # Now we use geodetic latitude to calculate normal vector from the surface, to correct for elevation.
    cos_glat = math.cos(lat)
    sin_glat = math.sin(lat)
    nx = cos_glat * cos_lon
    ny = cos_glat * sin_lon
    nz = sin_glat
    x = x + (c['elv'] * nx)
    y = y + (c['elv'] * ny)
    z = z + (c['elv'] * nz)
    d['x'] = x
    d['y'] = y
    d['z'] = z
    d['radius'] = radius
    d['nx'] = nx
    d['ny'] = ny
    d['nz'] = nz
    return d

def distance(ap, bp):
    dx = ap['x'] - bp['x']
    dy = ap['y'] - bp['y']
    dz = ap['z'] - bp['z']

    return math.sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)

def rotate_globe (b, a, bradius, aradius):
    d = {}
    # Get modified coordinates of 'b' by rotating the globe so that 'a' is at lat=0, lon=0.
    br = {'lat': b['lat'], 'lon': (b['lon'] - a['lon'] ), 'elv': b['elv']}
    brp = location_to_point(br)
    # Rotate brp cartesian coordinates around the z-axis by a.lon degrees,
    # then around the y-axis by degrees.
    # Though we are decreasing by degrees, as seen above the y-axis,
    # this is a positive (counterclockwise) rotation (if B's longitude is east of A's).
    # However, from this point of view the x-axis is pointing left.
    # So we will look the other way making the x-axis pointing right, the z-axis
    # pointing up, and the rotation treated as negative.
    alat = geocentric_latitude(-a['lat'] * math.pi / 180.0)
    acos = math.cos(alat)
    asin = math.sin(alat)
    d['x']  = (brp['x'] * acos) - (brp['z'] * asin)
    d['y'] =  brp['y']
    d['z'] = (brp['x'] * asin) + (brp['z'] * acos)
    d['radius'] = bradius
    return d 

def normalize_vector_diff(b, a):
    d = {}
    # Calculate norm(b-a), where norm divides a vector by its length to produce a unit vector.
    dx = b['x'] - a['x']
    dy = b['y'] - a['y']
    dz = b['z'] - a['z']
    dist2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
    if (dist2 == 0):
    dist = math.sqrt(dist2)
    d['x'] = dx/dist
    d['y'] = dy/dist
    d['z'] = dz/dist
    d['radius'] = 1.0
    return d

def calculate(a, b):
    d = {}
    ap = location_to_point(a)
    bp = location_to_point(b)
    distkm = 0.001 * distance(ap,bp)
    d['distkm'] = distkm

    # Let's use a trick to calculate azimuth:
    # Rotate the globe so that point A looks like latitude 0, longitude 0.
    # We keep the actual radii calculated based on the oblate geoid,
    # but use angles based on subtraction.
    # Point A will be at x=radius, y=0, z=0.
    # Vector difference B-A will have dz = N/S component, dy = E/W component.
    br = rotate_globe (b, a, bp['radius'], ap['radius'])
    if (br['z']*br['z'] + br['y']*br['y'] > 1.0e-6):
        theta = math.atan2(br['z'], br['y']) * 180.0 / math.pi
        azimuth = 90.0 - theta
        if (azimuth < 0.0):
            azimuth = azimuth + 360.0
        if (azimuth > 360.0):
            azimuth = azimuth - 360.0
    d['azimuth'] = azimuth
    bma = normalize_vector_diff(bp, ap)
    # Calculate altitude, which is the angle above the horizon of B as seen from A.
    # Almost always, B will actually be below the horizon, so the altitude will be negative.
    # The dot product of bma and norm = cos(zenith_angle), and zenith_angle = (90 deg) - altitude.
    # So altitude = 90 - acos(dotprod).
    altitude = 90.0 - (180.0 / math.pi)*math.acos(bma['x']*ap['nx'] + bma['y']*ap['ny'] + bma['z']*ap['nz'])
    d['altitude'] = altitude
    return d

def get_home_location():
    d = {}
    state = hass.states.get('zone.home')
    d['lat'] = state.attributes.get('latitude')
    d['lon'] = state.attributes.get('longitude')
    d['elv'] = -1
    return d

def get_iss_location():
    d = {}
    state = hass.states.get('sensor.iss')
    d['lat'] = state.attributes.get('latitude')
    d['lon'] = state.attributes.get('longitude')
    d['elv'] = state.attributes.get('altitude') * 1000
    return d

a = get_home_location()
b = get_iss_location()
alt_az = calculate(a, b)
if alt_az['altitude'] > 9:
    state = True
    state = False

hass.states.set('sensor.iss_alt_az', state, alt_az)

iss.yaml (package):

  - platform: rest
    name: iss
    verify_ssl: true
    value_template: "{{ value_json.timestamp }}"
      - longitude
      - latitude
      - altitude

  - alias: "ISS in range"
    id: "130256743518934101213"
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.iss_alt_az
      attribute: altitude
      above: 5.0
    condition: "{{state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation')  < -6  and state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') > -18}}"
      service: notify.pushover
        message: >
          {% set azimuth = state_attr('sensor.iss_alt_az', 'azimuth')|float %}
          {% if azimuth > 348.75 or azimuth <= 11.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'N' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 11.25 and azimuth <= 33.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'NNE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 33.75 and azimuth <= 56.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'NE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 56.25 and azimuth <= 78.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'ENE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 78.25 and azimuth <= 101.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'E' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 101.25 and azimuth <= 123.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'ESE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 123.75 and azimuth <= 146.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'SE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 146.25 and azimuth <= 168.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'SSE' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 168.75 and azimuth <= 191.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'S' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 191.25 and azimuth <= 213.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'SSW' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 213.75 and azimuth <= 236.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'SW' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 236.25 and azimuth <= 258.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'WSW' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 258.75 and azimuth <= 281.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'W' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 281.25 and azimuth <= 303.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'WNW' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 303.75 and azimuth <= 326.25 %}
            {% set direction = 'NW' %}
          {% elif azimuth > 326.25 and azimuth <= 348.75 %}
            {% set direction = 'NNW' %}
          {% else %}
            {% set direction = '' %}
          {% endif %}
          ISS is nu {{state_attr('sensor.iss_alt_az', 'distkm')|int}} Km ver en {{state_attr('sensor.iss_alt_az', 'altitude')|round(1)}} graden boven de horizon in {{direction}} richting 
        title: "ISS"
          priority: -1
          url: ""
  - alias: "update alt_az sensor"
    id: "6b87ea2d-ff66-4d86-9b9f-123b171e2f99"
      platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.iss
      service: python_script.iss
      data: {}


how you get this sensor?


The python code creates it with:

hass.states.set(‘sensor.iss_alt_az’, state, alt_az)

you can be more specific, about this code?