PZEM 004 EspHome Component modbus took a long time for an operation

One of the two current clamps has been giving me some problems for a few days now.
I have already replaced the hardware but the problem remains the same:

[W]|[component:214]|Component modbus took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).|
[W]|[component:215]|Components should block for at most 20-30ms|

I’ll start by saying that this setup has always worked for me.
Below is the esphome code:

> substitutions:
>   name: power-meter-fotovoltaico
> packages:
>   esphome.esp_web_tools_example: github://esphome/example-configs/esp-web-tools/esp32.yaml@v1
> esphome:
>   name: ${name}
>   name_add_mac_suffix: false
> wifi:
>   ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
>   password: !secret wifi_password
>   use_address: ${name}.local
>   manual_ip:
>     static_ip:
>     gateway:
>     subnet:
> api:
> uart:
>   - id: uart_1
>     tx_pin: GPIO17
>     rx_pin: GPIO16
>     baud_rate: 9600
>     data_bits: 8
>     stop_bits: 1
>     parity: NONE

> modbus:
>   - id: mod_bus_pzem1
>     send_wait_time: 250ms
>     uart_id: uart_1
> sensor:
>   - platform: pzemac
>     id: pzemac_3
>     current:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel A"
>     voltage:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel V"
>     energy:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel Wh"
>     power:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel W"
>     frequency:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel Hz"
>     power_factor:
>       name: "Consumo da Enel c"
>     update_interval: 5s
>     address: 0x03
>     modbus_id: mod_bus_pzem1
>   - platform: pzemac
>     id: pzemac_2
>     current:
>       name: "Consumo Totale A"
>     voltage:
>       name: "Consumo Totale V"
>     energy:
>       name: "Consumo Totale Wh"
>     power:
>       name: "Consumo Totale W"
>     frequency:
>       name: "Consumo Totale Hz"
>     power_factor:
>       name: "Consumo Totale c"
>     update_interval: 5s
>     address: 0x02
>     modbus_id: mod_bus_pzem1
>   - platform: dht
>     pin: GPIO2
>     temperature:
>       name: "Fotovoltaico Temperatura "
>     humidity:
>       name: "Fotovoltaico Umidità "
>     update_interval: 60s
> button:
>   - platform: template
>     name: Reset counter Enel
>     id: reset_button_energy_counter1
>     icon: "mdi:emoticon-outline"
>     on_press:
>       - pzemac.reset_energy: pzemac_3
>       - delay: 500ms
>   - platform: template
>     name: Reset Counter Totale
>     id: reset_button_energy_counter2
>     icon: "mdi:emoticon-outline"
>     on_press:
>       - pzemac.reset_energy: pzemac_2
>       - delay: 500ms

Ignore it, this warning used to be at a different log level until a few versions ago, it now displays for LOTS of components.

If it bugs you then you can suppress them - like:

  level: VERBOSE
    component: ERROR

The real problem is that I can no longer read one of the 2 pzems since I get this error

Ah - ok - only thing I can suggest is comment out one at a time and see if the issue persists with one or the other.

By “replaced hardware” did you mean the pzems or the ESP?

If neither of the devices on their own recreates the issue and this config worked before an ESPHome upgrade, log an issue on the ESPHome issues register: