PZEM-017 as second device on modbus serial connection

Hi. I have a USB2RS485 converter which is working with my inverter over modbus RTU (Easun SMX-II).
I have a second UPS without any monitoring feature so i bought a PZEM-017. I used parallel connection, added slave address 2 to the PZEM and left the inverter at default (slave: 255 according to config i found online). I cant read data from PZEM with HA but I can connect to the devices with their softwares if i plug the RS485 converter to a PC(iPower for inverter and PZEM-003 master for the PZEM) so I assume that the connection is okay. Why I cant read the PZEM if I use slave: 2 parameter?

 - name: SMX
   type: serial
   baudrate: 9600
   bytesize: 8
   method: rtu
   parity: N
   port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AH06N92W-if00-port0
   stopbits: 1
        - name: PZEM_Voltage
          unit_of_measurement: V
          slave: 2
          address: 0
          input_type: input
          scale: 0.1
          offset: 0
          precision: 1
          data_type: int16
          device_class: voltage
          scan_interval: 10
        - name: PZEM_Current 
          unit_of_measurement: A
          slave: 2
          address: 1
          count: 2
          swap: word
          input_type: input
          scale: 0.001
          offset: 0
          precision: 1
          data_type: int32
          device_class: current
        - name: "Main Battery"
          address: 256
          slave: 255
          count: 3
          scan_interval: 10
          data_type: custom
          structure: ">3H"

The Main Battery sensor is working well only the PZEM sensors fails. What is the problem?
The log says that the PZEM sensors gives back zero data.

Logger: homeassistant.components.modbus.modbus
Source: components/modbus/modbus.py:391
Integration: Modbus (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:06:08 (124 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:45:38

Pymodbus: SMX: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] No response received, expected at least 2 bytes (0 received)
Pymodbus: SMX: Modbus Error: [Input/Output] No Response received from the remote unit/Unable to decode response

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