Qivicon/Telekom Smart Home

Hi guys,

I’m living in germany and was wondering if it’s possible to integrate the qivicon smart home into home assistant.

I’m a total noob about programming and this kinda stuff, but I would really like to use the door sensors of the system for example.

Qivicon is the manufacturer of the system (https://www.qivicon.com/en/). There are 3 hubs to use atm, I’m using the Speedport Smart, which is a combination of router and smart home base. The door sensors I use, are connected via DECT with my Speedport Smart.

I don’t know if it’s available outside of germany, because it seems the manufacturer works together with the german telekom (my internet provider), but maybe anyone here knows something about the compatibility with other services like homeassistant.

I don’t think the Qivicon will be supported any time soon. Even though they (Qivicon) once announced openness for developers, this - as far as I know - never happened. And without an official API it would require a lot of work to reverse engineer everything. The safer route would be to switch to a more open system.

Do you have any suggestions on what to use? I am currently looking into this myself but I am struggling to find the best system. I lean towards the Homematic system (after initially looking at the Max! Cube) but they are also not very open.

I personally use HomeMatic and am quite happy with it. Not the cheapest solution, but as long as your devices are supported within Home Assistant it work pretty well. If you go with HomeMatic, I would suggest to install the CCU software on a Raspberry Pi and get the required RF module. I don’t have it myself, but performance seems to be much better than the CCU.

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Any news here? found out that some devices from Qivicon works on the Fritzbox and also all devices are controllable via Harmony. So I would try this in a configuration soon. If someone has expirences, it would help ;-

Hello there,
I know this topic is already old but the wish still exists. I am also using Qivicon/Telekom Smart Home (now called “Magenta Smart Home”) and would like to see it integrated into Home Assistant. Maybe it’s a help to tell, that I can use Google Nest Hub / Google Assistant aswell for control, so there must be some sort of connection. It would be just great to have all automation combined and merged at one point. I was able to add Kostal Plentocore, so in case Qivicon works aswell, I could make rules for devises depending on the solar (or battery) state. I would really love to have such functions :slight_smile:

Incredibly old topic, I know x)

A friend of my family dumped a collection of Magenta Smart Home stuff on me and I would love to use them with HASS. Has there been any development as to use this?


Hi IngwiePhoenix, more by accident I found a way to interact between the systems :smiley:
I run an exsitig Magenta Smart Home Installation (MSH), I got a Hue bridge (HB) which is not paired to MSH and I run Home Asisstant (HA) via a virtual machine on my Synology NAS. In the future I want to operate the whole stuff via HA.
LIDL offers a silvercrest Smart Plug. I dont know if others work as well, this one works for my purpose. This device can be paired to the HB. Then you see it in HB and HA. And you can add it as a device in MSH. Now you can switch the plug via HA, HB and MSH. When you switch it on in HA you can write a scene in MSH that reacts on the event and turns on some lights, etc… Yes, its a workaround and yes, its an expensive one but maybe more guys have this setup and want to migrate.

Cheers, Oli