I see that there are several of you that use QNAP to run HA. What are you using to integrate the different sensors zwave and zigbee with the HA running on QNAP. I would like to move to the QNAP solution instead of the RPI but RPI is kicking QNAP’s butt. Below are some of the issues:
Got HUSBZB-1 working with docker - this was like getting a colonoscopy. Added my xiaomi sensors all good. Every time I reboot the device the zigbee stick drops, have to start fresh - If any of you have this figured out please help.
Restarting the NAS - everytime I restart the NAS the configuration is lost even though the configuration.yaml file has all my custom code, the NAS fails to detect them and goes to the base configuration. can see only the sun and yr symbol. - feels like getting both Colonoscopy and root canal at the same time.
We sometimes loose power - I simulated this by un-plugging the NAS and re-plugging it. HA does not start, why? - QNAP says- some containers will not start after a improper shut down. Is this happening to your NAS?
I feel that the $30.00 RPI is much better and reliable option than the QNAP.
If you know how to get around these issues please let me know. TIA