Qnap and Zwave module


I have now moved nearly all my devices from SmartThings to HA.
I am using a Zigbee dongle connected to my QNAP Nas for all my Zigbee devices.
The only device I have left to move to HA is my Yale conexis L1 lock with the blue Zwave module.
I intend to purchase a aeotec Zwave usb sick to run in my Qnap Nas.
(I am running a VM in the NAS)
I have read somewhere that you can’t run 2 USB devices in the Qnap for this setup.
Thank you in advance if anyone can confirm this will work.


I don’t know about QNAP but I have a simillar setup to yours but with Synology and HA running in VMM. I have a Zibgbee USB dongle, an Aeotech Z-stick, and an APC UPS all connected (the Aeotech is plugged in directly and the other devices are via a 4-port USB3 hub).

That might give you some hope at least.

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Thanks for the reply.

Glad it’s working for you.

I will keep looking for the thread where someone mentioned only 1 USB port on the Qnap is usable for my setup.



Hi, I use qnap and vm haos with aotec zwave usb… I use only one usb so cant for sure tell you if is possible…
How do you connect usb to vm? By quts gui or by ssh script? If gui do not allow you connect two dewices check if you can do that by ssh… I have haos vm set to not boot automaticlly. Then I have bash script on qnap which turn on haos vm and connect usb device to it… Check on qnap forum for auto mount usb or similar script…
Other option is buy network usb device which support your os(drivers) and connect them(usb device) over lan…

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Thanks for the info.
I will look into it.

You can mount more devices…
Im create instructions and put them on github…
You can see them here:


Thanks for the reply Dejan.

I need to read it carefully as I sometimes mess up when doing these scripts 🤦🏻

Just a quick question.

I sometimes have issues with my Conbee Zigbee stick where it does not mount after I restart HA.

If I carry out this procedure will it solve this problem.
I have my usb connected to the VM via the Qnap ui.

I use only zwave usb device and dont have any connetion issues… Does maybe your device reboot(disconnect)? If yes then this script will not fix your issue… But you can probably create cron job to periodicly run script(nothing will happen if you run it multiple times) to automaticly reconnect device…
When you will connect device by this script you will not see anyhing in gui…

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