QNAP Container not working

I have a QNAP NAS with Container Station v3, and want to mount Home Assistant as a container on that.

I have pulled Docker images from GitHub and imported them to the NAS:
Package armhf-homeassistant · GitHub
Package armhf-homeassistant · GitHub

The images successfully load into the NAS, but when I try to start the images, I get the message “unable to iopause: Function not implemented”:

/run/s6/services #
s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
s6-supervise s6-fdholderd: fatal: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
s6-svscan panicked! Dropping to a root shell.

/run/s6/services #
s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
s6-svscan panicked! Dropping to a root shell.

/run/s6/services #
s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
s6-svscan panicked! Dropping to a root shell.

s6-supervise s6-fdholderd: fatal: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
/run/s6/services #
s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Function not implemented
s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
s6-svscan panicked! Dropping to a root shell.

This is an infinite loop and the image won’t start.

I’m surprised that it states “not implemented” - is there a missing link or path statement? What needs to be modified to make it able to see iopause and run?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

James Denman

Since the links above were transformed into thumbnails, here they are again:
ghcr.io/ home-assistant/armhf-homeassistant:latest
ghcr.io/ home-assistant/armhf-homeassistant:stable

(note: I’ve added spaces after the first “/” to prevent them being rendered as thumbnails of GitHub - these spaces weren’t in the URLs I used)

This thread here suggests it may have to do with a version issue on libseccomp2 in combination with Docker.

Is that something that I as a user can fix or does the repository/image need to be fixed centrally?

linux - Why does my docker processes keep restarting on my Raspberry Pi? - Stack Overflow

try setting it up with docker compose:

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Thanks a million, @fleskefjes !

It’s a shame HA doesn’t describe this under https://www.home-assistant.io /installation/alternative/#qnap-nas (note deliberately inserted space to prevent link being displayed as thumbnail). Do you have an idea how we could get them to list it?



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It is listed under docker-compose, which is not QNAP specific. :slight_smile:

You’re right, but this section of the HA site is not very helpful in several ways:

  • “Docker compose” is not a term used in the QNAP Container Station UI → many users will not realise that this is a possible path for QNAP
  • there is no mention of how to apply this approach in QNAP CS
  • many users will apply the heuristic “treat the specific as more relevant than the general” and read/apply what’s in the QNAP section as the most relevant to them…and end up frustrated as I was

Who needs the tip to update the HA site?



I don’t think the instructions on the site related to QNAP Container station is directly wrong though, I can test on my QNAP later tonight to verify. Did you follow them step by step? I am a bit confused as to how you tried to deploy it, since you state that you pulled the images and imported them to the NAS, since Container station does this for you if you do it correctly. Either way docker-compose is the easier way to handle containers on a QNAP.

Sorry for any confusion. I followed the instructions in the HA QNAP section, using, since my TS-233 has an ARM processor and it states ‘For ARM CPU types the correct image is “homeassistant/armhf-homeassistant”’, that image name. These led to the problem I described above (“iopause…”) (I’ve just tried again and can replicate this). I then tried various alternatives, including, under “Container Station\Images”, pulling the two images named in my first reply above. The “iopause” problem remained constant.

I tested now, all though mine is not ARM-based and the instructions are a bit out of date (referring to the old version of CS) it made sense. I don’t have a way of testing ARM.

OK, thanks for checking and good to know that it works for non-ARM. Certainly in my configuration (and I’m not a complete noob) it doesn’t work for ARM, so I recommend updating the instructions in that respect.

I also suggest, on the HA installation guide page:

  • explaining how the Docker Compose approach can be used within QNAP Container Station (certainly in Container Station 3 you wouldn’t guess this from the UI)
  • adding a link in the QNAP section which says “some users have reported issues on ARM systems. See the Docker Compose section for an alternative approach”



This is something you can do your self through a pull request on Github :wink:

OK, took some looking (you didn’t make that too easy for me!) but I think I’ve now created a PR:

Update alternative.md to add solution for ARM QNAP NAS · home-assistant/home-assistant.io@3532b0b (github.com)


Just wanted to let you know, that’s an impressive start into a forum, you have my personal respect! :slight_smile: In 21 hours from “new user” to first “PR” is kinda cool! And fast… :laughing:

Thanks for doing that, and welcome to the community! :slight_smile: :wave:


Dang… You are on someone’s service desk aren’t you?

While you don’t get closed on first contact (I hate that metric btw) you get a very solid well done.

Like in - literally someone show this to your support desk newbies…


@paddy0174 @NathanCu Thanks for the flowers and the warm welcome - not every forum has such a great atmosphere!