Qnap NAS does no wake up when send to sleep via HA


I do have a switch in HA to wake up my Qnap (T251) via WOL and send it back to sleep. That works in general as expected…

Sending it to sleep with this command in my HA

"ssh -i /config/ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q <user>@<ip> 'echo mem > /sys/power/state'"

But: it does not wake up for the times I defined in the system configuration of the NAS itself (energy options). It’s set to wake up at 1am, do some jobs and go back to sleep at 3am. But that does not work. If I wake it via WOL through e.g. my PC and also back to sleep with “'echo mem > /sys/power/state” via console, then the energy options work. But not, as said, when send to sleep via HA.

Does anyone have a clue why it is that way ?

Thanks in advance!