QOL: Hide Configuration Badge in Sidebar (Round 2)


I’ve been looking at this post:

Though I have a different issue, I’m simply trying to hide the available update count:

I have OCD and it’s really annoying having to skip updates manually all the time, so it would really be helpful if there was a way to completely disable this badge. I update everything once per month anyways.

You could always create an automation to skip them as soon as they occur. The service is update.skip.

Hey, that sounds like a solid solution.

Is there a way to do this for all add-ons or would this work just for HassOS updates?

It seems this works for all addons, though I went rambo mode, and made everything manually.

10 separate triggers with IDs, 10 switch cases which respond when being called by specific trigger ID.

If anyone comes to a solution where this can be done with templates, please share!