Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and 3rd party integration

Hi @crazeeeyez

  • MQTT Discovery is turned on via integration and also on configuration.yaml.
  • Loglevel on apps.yaml is already “DEBUG” mode.

Restarted appdaemon, but no entities so far. here are debug logs attached. https://pastebin.com/p8AdpPuR

@painkiller I see this in the logs:
2021-08-20 16:55:18.509797 ERROR qolsys_panel: No data received. Bad token? Detatching.,

Can you make sure your token is good?

Also, can you subscribe to your MQTT to see what’s going across the wire? This is a simple example without authentication or anything else.

mosquitto_sub -h your MQTT host IP -t "#" -v

Then, in a separate terminal window, publish the info request:
mosquitto_pub -h your MQTT host IP -t "qolsys/requests" -m '{"token":"your qolsys token","event":"INFO"}'

Hi there - I have been a long time user who is struggling with integrating my Alarm-dot-com account to HomeKit via Homebridge. Great plugin, but it seems that we may have hit a wall in terms of scraping the ADC web interface - or whatever sorcery that homebridge plugin is using.

I would like to have my Qolsys IQ Panel 2 connect directly to my HomeAssistant system and bypass ADC entirely.

Would anyone be able to walk me through the process of getting this plugin working on a standard HomeAssistant installation? I know it’s a big ask, but I’m hoping someone has the free time and patience. Happy to PayPal some cash if that helps!

Thanks in advance for all your great work on this project!

@harryfrishberg I don’t use ADC but as I understand it, the AppDaemon integration will work with ADC or standalone (how I use it).

Good to know. Do you mind explaining how a relative newcomer to HA would download the AppDaemon and get it up and running? I assumed it was available via HACS, but couldn’t seem to find it.

Hi all… newer to HA and even more so to AppDaemon. I’ve got my MQTT broker setup and the AppDaemon integration appears sound, but I’m having issues creating a socket to the qolsys panel.

I enabled 3rd party connections within the panel and restarted, but when I curl the IP and port I get an ACK and that’s it. I also tried hitting the endpoint with the openssl commands earlier mentioned in the thread I just get a connect timeout. Any idea what’s going on?

curl -k https://x.x.x.x:12345/
openssl s_client -connect x.x.x.x:12345

connect: Operation timed out

Depends on how you’re running HA. If using docker you can just spin up an AppDaemon container. Using docker-compose:

    container_name: appdaemon
    image: acockburn/appdaemon:latest
      - /home/username/dev/server/appdaemon/config:/conf
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
      - HA_URL='http://x.x.x.x:8123'
      - TOKEN='supersecrettoken'
      - DASH_URL='http://x.x.x.x:5050'
      - '5050:5050'
      - homeassistant

Thanks! I am not using Docker - I have HA installed on a raspberry Pi 4.

Figured this out. Had to upgrade the panel to 2.6.1 and enable the Control4 integration specifically.

I’m all set up with the integration- and it works great. I’m wondering if it’s possible to use the IQ Panel as a ZWave controller for Home Assistant without any additional hardware. Not sure that Qolsys has enabled this through their 3rd Party Integration, but I figured it would be worth a shot asking.

Thanks in advance.

@dominicriz I think this was answered previously … no, they don’t expose Z-Wave devices through the API (that’s been discovered).
@harryfrishberg if you’re using HA on the Pi as the whole OS, there should be an add-on store in the Supervisor. AppDaemon should be in the add on store.

Awesome! OK I downloaded it. Any chance you can tell me where to go next? I’m afraid I’m a little stumped…

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No, but since S2 support is coming to HA via ZWaveJS, you may be able to pair a Z-Wave stick as a secondary controller to your Qolsys panel. I will be attempting this soon after my failed attempt prior to S2 support (since all I have is a lock). I got the lock to show up, but it wasn’t usable.

Hello everyone,

I’m happy to have this integration available, but I’ve been having consistent issues with it dying after a period of time. I’ve read through the entire thread and read various mentions of this behavior, most recently in post #270 by @SuperMega.

I don’t know the best way to poll everyone who’s actively using this integration. But, I guess before I even get ahead of myself, does anybody have this working RELIABLY without needing to restart services or intervene in any other way? If so, are you running Home Assistant Operating System, versus the container? Same for AppDaemon.

For me, I’m running Container, and AppDaemon in its own docker container as well. I’m not quite sure what logs to enable or to look for, to get to the bottom of this behavior. When I restart AppDaemon, everything works for a period of time. No delays, reliably, etc. Then “something” happens, and AppDaemon stops reflecting the status of any of the Qolsys provided entities.

Yes, I have this addon working reliably. I have 2 door sensors and 1 motion sensor, as well as the panel itself connected and running reliably. Any time I lose connection it’s for a known reason like multiple restarts of HA in a row. Sometimes after a lot of this, I need to reboot the panel itself to reset the iptables throttling the panel does after rejecting too many connections.

I’m running HassOS and doing everything through the UI. You might be facing a stack of issues. If I had to guess, the “something” part you mention is where the panel triggers throttling, due to your constant restarts off AppDaemon. This matches the behavior I see when I knowingly restart HA.

So, you should probably focus on your initial dropouts and what’s causing those. My guess would be something in your network setup.

Mine freezes up roughly once per week. A quick restart of AppDaemon resolves it. I’ve tried to detect the failure, but no luck so far. I have some new ideas on how to detect it, but no time to work on it. Happy to accept a pull request if someone has any fixes!

I hope you figure out some form of detection, because mine stops working randomly. I can go for a month with no issue, but other times I will need to restart Appdaemon several days in row… Every time this happens, the wife acceptance factor goes down.

I can agree with this one. Back when I was running node red off of HASSIO I didn’t get this either, but running it with appdaemon I do.

Do you think it’s an Appdaemon issue? I know I’ve asked about a native integration already - but - do you think that would improve the stability?

I wish I had something more constructive to add. I’m happy, in a warped way, that it’s not just me having the disconnection issues. My setup usually stays responsive for less than a day, but I agree that it’s random. It’s possible that @amirite is correct, and it’s something in my network setup, but my gut tells me that’s not the case. I am not restarting anything on a regular basis, except for AppDaemon, and only to fix this issue. If the panel were rate limiting, why would a restart of AppDaemon fix that issue? Wouldn’t the app continue to be blocked?

I’m happy to check logs, but I’m not sure what to look at other than AppDaemon logs, where I don’t see anything incriminating so far when these failures occur.