Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and 3rd party integration

Thanks XaF. I added that line a few hours after posting and it instantly brought in all my sensors.
Also, thank you for looking at my latest issue on GitHub

FYI Panel 4 update 4.1 adds in functionality. Seems to work perfectly now.

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Yes, I can confirm this works.

Hi, whatā€™s was the missing MQTT config you added?

Did you ever have any luck with this? Iā€™m in the UK and just got an IQ Panel 2 installed by ADT but struggling to even get to the place where I can enter the dealer / installer menu.

hi buddy, I managed to get it to work. im from the Uk myself. its a bit of a headache but it can be done.

are yon a part of the home assistant discord? its a bit of a long winded process

Anyone here configure any notifications on alarm events? Somehow Iā€™m struggling to get notifications.

Which events? I get notifications when some doors open (balconies). Works like a charm.

Really just alarm changing states. Eg arming disarming alarmingā€¦ Specifically alarming

@XaF I tried installing your integration but I couldnā€™t get it it to work. For now Iā€™ve reverted back to ad-qolsys. Would you mind sharing your Appdaemon restarting script that youā€™d mentioned when you first posted your integration? It would be helpful until I attempt to install your version again.

I have automations to notify me with pagerduty when the system enters alarm mode. Mostly to play around with stuff. Works like a charm! Do you have an issue setting up automations, or are you not having status updates with the alarm status ?

I actually use an automation for that! Everything is deployed in containers in my setup, and I use the ā€œMonitor Dockerā€ integrations (available through HACS) to trigger a restart of the AppDaemon container if the Qolsys entity becomes unavailable. Since I moved from ad-qolsys, this does not really trigger anymore (last triggers were when I restarted the panel, which is why it even became unavailable).

Whatā€™s your issue with qolsysgw? Have you opened an issue in the repo? Iā€™ve not been as active as Iā€™d like to recently but Iā€™m still trying to keep track of potential issues (only thing Iā€™ve delayed for now are slight improvements).

Can you post the automations as yaml? Not sure what my problem is, but itā€™s just not triggering the way I think it should. Just could use an example to start with.

Hi all, Iā€™m new to this panel and integration. I have it up and running and have a question. My panel has a number of zwave devices connected to it - door locks, door contact sensors, garage doors, that are set to trip the alarm if the system is armed and a door opens, etc.

I know thereā€™s no way to control these devices with this integration. If I understand correctly, the only way to have control of these devices is to pair them with my home assistant zwave stick, then if I want to maintain the same functionality that I had before, I have to program my own logic using automations? E.g. if door opens while alarm is armed, trip the alarm, etc.

Thatā€™s right. You can do the automation in HA (or AppDaemon, Node-Red, etc).

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I followed the instructions (to my knowledge) correctly but none of my sensors or the panel showed up. I might try again with a clean install of HASS.

Hey guys. I also have a Qolsys IQ Panel 4 and I was able to get qolsysgw configured on my panel with 4.1. I get sensor status etc. The only thing thatā€™s not working is Iā€™m not able to arm or disarm the panel from Home Assistant. If I set the alarm on the panel it does update the entity status with Armed Home or Armed Away as well as Disarmed when I disarm it from the panel. So Iā€™m able to get the status for the panel. Iā€™m just not able to change the status from Home Assistant. Is there anything special you have to do to get it to work?

Replying to my own comment but I figured it out. For an IQ 4 Panel you must have six digit codes enabled on the IQ 4 Panel in order to arm or disarm it from Home Assistant. Using your dealer or installer code you have to go to Settting>Advanced Settings>dealer/installer settings and check the box that says 6 Digit User Code. It will add two zeros at the end of any existing 4 digit code. After I made this change I can arm/disarm from Home Assistant with no issues.

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just relized that this doesnā€™t actually work for the IQ2 panel, but does for IQ2+ panelsā€¦:frowning: i canā€™t seem to get the 3rd party integrations to show on my panel

Iā€™m using it on an iq2 panel and not a plus.

This doesnā€™t allow the panel to control anything on home assistant, this allows home assistant to control the alarm panel and allow the sensors to be part of home assistant.

@Smwoodward oh really, this is great news! I donā€™t really want the panel controlling things in HA anyways, so Iā€™ll give this another try. thanks

so, just curious, what did you place for panel token? leave it blank?

EDIT: leaving blank just refuses the connection according to appdaemon logs. I have an IQ2 panel running 2.7.0.