Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and 3rd party integration

were you able to get to working? I’m struggling with mine… sort of a beginner thou… when I arm and disarm alarm I get msgs in MQTT when I listen to the topic… I moved the folder to the root folder like someone stated above… and still I can’t see the app loaded in appdaemon… can someone help?

@bumpyj38 @bcre3306 #FriedCheese

I also can’t find /hass/config/appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml. It goes to a blank page. How did you find where the apps.yaml is?

Mine was located in /addon_configs/a0d7b954_appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml.

I found this by searching the filesystem because it wasn’t located where the documentation mentioned. Note I think the a0d7b954 directory may be random directory but not 100% sure but it should be in the same /addon_configs directory.

Hope that helps

Oh It’s not a random directory. It’s the same!

I found it from the terminal using find / -name “apps.yaml” 2>/dev/null

Thank you!

I was going to tell you to do it that route but wasn’t sure if you had it installed so didn’t want to add more confusion! Glad you found it

Can anyone help me out? I can’t seem to connect to Mosquitto/MQTT Broker. This is what I get in the logs:

New connection from on port 1883.
error: received null username or password for unpwd check
Client appdaemon_mqtt_client disconnected, not authorised.
New connection from on port 1883.
error: received null username or password for unpwd check
Client appdaemon_mqtt_client disconnected, not authorised.

I’m not sure what is coming from and the port changes.

In AppDaemon logs I get:

CRITICAL MQTT: Could not complete MQTT Plugin initialization, trying again in 5 seconds
CRITICAL MQTT: Could not Complete Connection to Broker, please Ensure Broker at URL 192.168.x.xx:1883 is correct and broker is not down and restart Appdaemon

Would something like this work to bypass a specific zone ? Aka stop a door from making a sound when opening. This is when the system is NOT armed.

service: mqtt.publish
  topic: "qolsys/command"
  payload: >
      "event": "BYPASS_ZONE",
      "zone_id": "your_zone_id_here",
      "panel_code": "your_panel_code_here"

I believe the user/pass should be your HA user/pass as I assume the MQTT service you’re running is in HA addons. The 172 IP is the container that MQTT is running in within the HA.

Has anyone ever got silent arming working on home stay? If so how did you do that ? It works via alarm.com