Quantum/Continal UFH Controls

Has anyone used Quantum/Continal heating Under Floor Heating controls with HA?

I will be moving into my recently renovated home and plan to use HA to control everything and would like to control the thermostats in each room. These are smart controlled via a Continal Hub and app but would prefer to control them via HA so everything is in one place. I cannot find any information on the protocols used on the Continal website:

Any help would be appreciate.

When it comes to Quantum/Continental UFH controls, it’s all about finding what works best for your setup. I haven’t personally used Quantum/Continal products, but I’ve heard good things about their advanced features and ease of use. If you’re looking for more information or user experiences, you might want to check out forums or communities dedicated to smart home technology. Places like this leader in quantum computing often have discussions where users share tips, tricks, and their experiences with different products.
At the end of the day, it’s all about finding a system that fits your needs and makes managing your underfloor heating a breeze.