Qubino 3-phase meter ZMNHXDx not receiving data for all endpoints / Single<>Multi Channel LifeLine fix

Fix for Home Assistant for Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter not receiving data for all endpoints.

Recently added a Qubino 3-phase Smart Meter to Hass. Joining the Z-Wave network (secured) worked fine, all entities seemed to be reported. But when running I got weird readings, timing of readings seemed off and only one instance (totals) was reported as configured.

The system config is:
Latest Home Assistant (0.118.2)
Open Zwave - tested with latest 1.6 AND 1.4x - same results

Parameters of the Smart Meter:

  • parameter 40: tested with 50, 10 and 1 - same results
  • parameter 42: 600
  • parameter 43: 600

In all configurations only the “Total Readings” were update in line with parameter 40. Although the “Active Power Total” changes, none of the other Active Powers (Phase1,2 or 3) changes at the same time and/or within the 600s report time (parameter 43).

Updates on Phase1, 2 and 3 seemed to happen randomly, not in line with parameter 40 (Active Power is not updated or randomly although Active Power changes!) and not is not reported within time interval (600) of parameter 43.

So I called in help and got a prompt and helpful response by Qubino.

If you’re receiving only the totals for the Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter is it possible that the lifeline was not configured properly at the inclusion. The 3-Phase Smart Meter is a device that needs the MC (multi channel) lifeline to be set, in case that the lifeline is set SC (single channel) the values that you get are only the totals.

I found out the following fix in order to fix the lineline in Home Assistant:

  1. browse to the configuration for the Z-Wave network
    (Configuration > Integrations > Z-Wave )

  2. find out the Qubino 3-phase Smart Meter ‘node id’, in this case Node: 21
    (Open drop down list with Nodes)

  1. Change the Z-Wave Association by calling the zwave.change_association):
    (Developer Tools > Tab Services)

  2. To remove the existing lifeline association for the Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter:

  • call the zwave.change_association service

  • with Service Data:

    “association”: “remove”,
    “node_id”: XX,
    “group”: 1,

Where XX is the Node-Id for your local Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter (see step 2).
In this example Node-Id = 21

  1. Now add a multichannel association for the Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter
  • call the zwave.change_association service (again)

  • with Service Data:

    “association”: “add”,
    “node_id”: XX,
    “group”: 1,

Where XX is the Node-Id for your local Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter (see step 2).
In this example Node-Id = 21

  1. Now the Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter should report data for all Endpoints.

Tested with both OpenZ-Wave 1.4 and 1.6 on Hass 0.118.2
Association remains after reboot.

This fix probably will apply to all (Qubino) devices that should be Multi Channel but are registered wrongly as Single Channel by Hass.

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Have you a solution for zwave-js there isn’t this service

I had the same problem

I have a simular problem (where not all endpoints for the qubino smart meter ZMNHXD3 are received). In this threat a solution for older versions of Home Assistant is described.

However a solution in current Home Assistant with Zwave JS UI will be different. But how?? Can someone help how to resolve this issue in the latest configurations. Home Assistant 2023.9.0

The problem is resolved after a thorough search and experiments. I want to communicate this solution (at least for me) that maybe others find these useful hints.

I found this: [feat] Proper Multi Channel support ¡ Issue #2714 ¡ zwave-js/node-zwave-js ¡ GitHub describing multichannel support.

In Zwave js ui I have removed the defined association and added a new association with also a target endpoint (root endpoint). Open the device and select groups from the menu. And indeed all values are now communicated. To be honest I don’t know exactly why this works.