Qubino Flush 1 relay ZMNHAD - how to read out second/third input?


Running latest versions of core/supervisor/zwave JS on a RasPi/RAzberry.
Just included a Qubino Flush 1 relay ZMNHAD, which is supported by Z-wave JS.
However I can’t find out how to read the states of the second and third input that are available on this switch; I would expect to have some binary sensors as entities but they are lacking.

Please help!

Best regards,


Hi Bernard,
I have the same problem with ZMNHND with the same HA setup (zwave-js). I2 parameter (100) is set up as “9-binary sensor”. I can see the change of the notification value in the z-wave JS control panel but none of the entity in HA is updated.
Did you solve? Any suggestion?

solved enabling the binary_sensor hidden entity created by the integration.